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The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

Edited by Francis James Child.
0 occurrences of England's black tribunal
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0 occurrences of England's black tribunal
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“Scotch Ballads, Materials for Border Minstrelsy,” No 37, Abbotsford, MS. of Thomas Wilkie, p. 11; from Miss Nancy Brockie, Bemerside. Another copy, “Scotch Ballads,” etc., No 139, in the handwriting of T. Wilkie, and somewhat retouched by him.


Lord Jonnie's up to England gone
Three quarters of an year;
Lord Jonnie's up to England gone,
The king's banner to bear.


He had not been in fair England,
Three quarters he was not,

Till the king's eldest daughter
Goes with child to Lord Jonnie Scott.


Word is to the kitchen gone,
And word's gone to the hall,
And word's gone to the high, high room,
Among the nobles all.


Word's gone to the king himsel,
In the chamber where he sat,
That his eldest daughter goes with child
To Lord Jonnie Scott.


‘If that be true,’ the king replied,
‘As I suppose it be,
I'll put her in a prison strong,
And starve her till she die.’


‘O where will I get a little boy,
That has baith hose and shoon,
That will run into fair Scotland,
And tell my love to come?’


‘O here is a shirt, little boy,
Her own hand sewed the sleeve;
Tell her to come to good greenwood,
Not ask her father's leave.’


‘What news, what news, my little boy?
What news have ye brought to me?’
‘No news, no news, my master dear,
But what I will tell thee.


‘O here is a shirt, madam,
Your awn hand sewed the sleeve;
You must gang to good greenwood,
Not ask your parents' leave.’


‘My doors they are all shut, little boy,
My windows round about;
My feet is in the fetters strong,
And I cannot get out.


‘My garters are of the black, black iron,
And O but they are cold!
My breast-plate's o the strong, strong steel,
Instead of beaten gold.


‘But tell him for to bide away,
And not come near to me,
For there's a champion in my father's ha
Will fight him till he dee.’


‘What news, what news, my little boy?
What news have ye to me?’
‘No news, no news, my master dear,
But what I will tell thee.


‘Her doors they are all shut, kind sir,
Her windows round about;
Her feet are in the fetters strong,
And she cannot get out.


‘Her garters are of the black, black iron,
And O but they are cold!
Her breast-plate's of the strong, strong steel,
Instead of beaten gold.


‘She bids you for to bide away,
And not go near to see,
For there's a champion in her father's house
Will fight you till you die.’


Then up and spoke Lord Jonnie's mother,
But she spoke out of time;
‘O if you go to fair England
I fear you will be slain.’


But up and spoke a little boy,
Just at Lord Jonnie's knee,
‘Before you lose your ain true-love,
We'll a' fight till we die.’


The first church-town that they came to,
They made the bells be rung;
The next church-town that they came to,
The[y] gard the mass be sung.


The next church-town that they came to,
They made the drums go through;
The king and all his nobles stood
Amazing for to view.


‘Is this any English gentleman,
Or James our Scottish king?
Or is it a Scottish gentleman,
To England new come in?’


‘No, 'tis no English gentleman,
Nor James the Scottish king;
But it is a Scottish gentleman,
Lord Jonnie is my name.’


‘If Lord Jonnie be your name,
As I suppose it be,

I have a champion in my hall
Will fight you till you die.’


‘O go fetch out that gurrley fellow,
Go fetch him out to me;
Before I lose my ain true-love,
We'll all fight till we die.’


Then out and came that gurrly fellow,
A gurrly fellow was he,
With twa lang sclasps between his eyes,
His shoulders there were three.


The king and all his nobles stood
To see the battle gained;
The queen and all her maries stood
To see Lord Jonnie slain.


The first stroke that Lord Jonnie gave,
He wounded very sore;
The next stroke that Lord Jonnie gave,
The champion could fight no more.


He's taen a whistle out from his side,
He's blawn a blast loud and shill:
‘Is there any more of your English dogs
To come here and be killed?’


‘A clerk, a clerk!’ the king did say,
‘To cry her toucher free;’
‘A priest, a priest!’ Lord Jonnie [did] cry
‘To wed my love and me.


‘'Twas for none of your monnie I fought,
Nor for none of your world's gear;
But it was for my own true-love;
I think I've bought her dear.’

“This song (L. Jonnie) I took down from the same girl who sung Hughie Graeme.”