University of Virginia Library


[I would not, Lord, Thy Spirit bind]

It is not for you to know the times or the, &c. —i. 7.

I would not, Lord, Thy Spirit bind,
Or rashly bold prescribe to Thee,
But wait submissive and resign'd
Thy kingdom when Thou wilt to see;
The seasons of Thy grace are known,
The times of love to Thee alone.
Thy promised grace I dare not say
Thou wilt, Thou must this instant give,
But humbly for Thy coming stay,
My misery with Thy mercy leave,
Thy wisdom trust, and truth, and power,
Which sets the day, and sees the hour.
No more presumptuous to foretell
Or fix the' appearing of my Lord,
Till Thou these heavy clouds dispel,
Darkly I hang upon Thy word,
Each moment for Thy presence sigh,
Whose glory fills both earth and sky.
Surely if Thou direct my heart
Into the expectation true,
Thou wilt to me Thy grace impart,
Thy Spirit's power in season due,
The forfeited dominion give,
And King in all Thy subjects live.