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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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May 2nd. Thursday 1805

The wind blew verry hard all the last night, this morning
about sunrise began to Snow, (The Thermomt′. at 28. abov 0)
and continued untill about 10 oClock, at which time it seased,
the wind continued hard untill about 2 P.M. the Snow which
fell to day was about 1 In deep, a verry extraodernarey climate,
to behold the trees Green & flowers spred on the plain,
& Snow an inch deep. we Set out about 3 oClock and proceeded
on about five 1/2 miles and encamped on the Std Side,
the evening verry cold, Ice freesing to the Ores. I shot a
large beaver & Drewyer three in walking on the bank, the
flesh of those animals the party is fond of eating &c.

Course & Distance 2d May

S.  70°.  E .  miles to the upper point of the timber on the Lard Side
in a bend, passing a point of timber on the L.S. at
a quarter of a mile 
S.  10°.  1/2  mile to a point of wood Land on the Starboard Side 
S.  30°.  W   miles to a point of Low timber on the Lard Side a little
above which on the Starboard Side we encamped 
4 1/2 
2 deer and 3 Elk killed