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PART II Here beginneth Chapter 3 of the Second Part of the Book which is called "The Tablets of Æth,'' wherein the Third, and last, Trinity of the Planetary Rulers is faithfully transcribed. —— "Thou hast entered the immeasurable regions. I am the Dweller of the Threshold. What wouldst thou with me? * * * Dost thou fear me? Am I not thy beloved? Is it not for me that thou bast rendered up the delights of thy race? Wouldst thou be wise? Mine is the wisdom of the countless ages. Kiss me, my mortal lover.'' —— "Thus man pursues his weary calling, And wrings the hard life from the sky, While happiness unseen is falling Down from God's bosom silently."
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Here beginneth Chapter 3 of the Second Part of the Book which is called "The Tablets of Æth,'' wherein the Third, and last, Trinity of the Planetary Rulers is faithfully transcribed.


"Thou hast entered the immeasurable regions. I am the
Dweller of the Threshold. What wouldst thou with me?
* * * Dost thou fear me? Am I not thy beloved? Is it
not for me that thou bast rendered up the delights of thy race?
Wouldst thou be wise? Mine is the wisdom of the countless
ages. Kiss me, my mortal lover.''


"Thus man pursues his weary calling,
And wrings the hard life from the sky,
While happiness unseen is falling
Down from God's bosom silently."





In the external we remember Saturn as an old man, and as a skeleton with a scythe—as Time, in fact. But see, O immortal soul, the real Saturn, as the Angel of Life, having from time gathered the experiences which crown him with light, holding the rod of power; the Christ born in the manger of Capricorn, the Goat—life born of death; the conqueror of evil. He throws off the mask of age, and divine youth beams on us. He doffs the mantle of rags, and royal splendors clothe him. He lifts the hood, and behold the crown. He raises the crutch, and lo! the rod of power. He drops the scythe of death for the jewel of eternal life.

"Om Mani Padme Um.''
(Oh the jewel in the lotus.)

O child of Adam! Meditate on the transmutations of life. Behold the earthly miracle of the caterpillar and the butterfly, of the toiling mortal and the transcendent God!





The state of soul and spirit—penetration; the wonderful power of soul-perception, which sheds its light on all visible things, receiving their images and interpreting them into the spirit, the all-seer—what does it not convey? The perception that can see deep into your soul and see, as it were, the yet unborn thought; that can distinguish the motive of action; that judges the realities of your soul. Such is the Astral Uranian. For with us all, are three planes of mind: The drift plane, the intellectual, and the spiritual, or internal plane; and thought-reading can be on one or all of these different states. But only the Uranian seer can read the inmost mind, and so really know the possibilities of your spirit.

Imagine an image of soft wax, covered with a sensitive skin. All impressions on the skin shape the plastic wax, but go no deeper— do not reach the soul. You can separate these impressions from your real self, when calm and alone, and look upon emotion as a surface play. But the tragedies of life strike deep. They affect the soul, and go to the center of being. "Verbum sap.''

O child of Adam! Watch the tempest of life closely. The Ego may sit calm amidst the storm, but, if that be stirred beware! The God acts; the soul alone watches.





An unknown quantity, a hope of progression, ideal love, and all true mental and spiritual ideals; aspiration to become that which we feel to be noble and true; the symbol of the monad, the soul which, receiving its life from the Sun—the Ego—is constantly revealing new forces and potencies of that God-life. Each soul's Ego is its maker and God. The Ego is like the Deific potency of the universe, unlimited in potential power, but limited by its monad as to what will be evolved from its awful depth of being. Deity progresses through its expressions of the cosmos. The Ego, your God, finds progressive expression through you, through your soul. That soul is not immortal that becomes separated from its Ego—its God. So, soul, spread your spiritual wings and soar upward.

O child of Adam! Know these three things: Eternity is the creator of the universal life; universal life creates the world, and the world is the creator of time. And of these, the Universe is Life, and the World is Mind, and Time is the Soul. The sum total of all is Experience. And this is individual, conscious life—"Jacta est alea'' (the die is cast)—the wings are spread.


The Cypher -the unknown



The unknown in very truth. It is everything—it is also nothing. Inconceivable visions arise within the mental universe, but nothing assumes definite form. It is all that is past. It is likewise everything that the future has in store. Amen.

O child of Adam! "Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or loose the bands of Orion?''


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