University of Virginia Library


Phraortes. Cylene. Sophernes. Magi. Orbasius. Araxes. Executioner. Attendants.
'Twas I that gave thee death.

Thou hast done justice.

What sayest thou? speak again.

He has done justice.
I barb'rously accus'd him of my crimes;
That guilt upbraids me; and I ask forgiveness.

[To Soph.
Whence art thou?—why this zealous rage against me?

I grieve not that I perish'd by his hand;
But that he disappointed my Revenge
I can't forgive him. Had he stay'd 'till then,
Hydarnes had faln greatly. But that's past.
Still I shall wound thee in the tenderest part.
[To Phraortes.
I faint. O grant me strength to give it utterance!
Draw near, Araxes. Speak, inform the King;
Did not you guide me to the Queen's apartment?
You know why I was call'd. Disclose the secret.

What past I know not.

What you fear to own,
I dare reveal. Hear then a dying man.
The Queen, on promise of my life and pardon,
Prevail'd upon me to accuse this Prince;
I knew him not. Yet to pursue thy life,


And gratify revenge, I undertook it.

It is impossible. Advance, my Queen,
And let thy presence strike him with confusion.
Come forth, Astarbe. Hah! she's fled, she's guilty!
Haste, bring her back. I will extort confession.
What mov'd her to this perjur'd information?
[Ex. Officers.
Whence sprung this hate and malice to Sophernes?

[To Hydarnes.
Ask her. I speak the truth, and know no further.
Look on me, Tyrant, and observe my features;
Seest thou not here the lines of brave Lysamnes?
He by thy power was led to shameful death,
His son now dyes, and never has reveng'd him.
