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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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Hail Welland to thy reedy stream
Unthought of long in poets dream
And no more honner'd now I deem
By this my artless verse
Yet still by this thou well may'st know
What (if the Muses would bestow
A gift to sing) I'd fainly show
And willingly rehearse
What streams where sung whilst thou lay lost
But now thy fame increases most
Since thou as well as them can boast
A Poet of thy own
And now the Muses shall essay
To chase oblivions clouds away
And make by their aspiring lay
Thee with thy poet known
E'en I the meanest of the train
While now I hum this simple strain
Along thy banks.—cannot refrain
My praises to reveal
For when his charming page I turn
Nay at the very name of Hurn
My heart and soul with raptures burn
And quite inspir'd I feel


Then roll thy waves his fame to spread
While village maids by shepherds led
Shall gather garlands for his head
And weave a rural Crown
And swains more fit his praise shall tell
While Spalding—Honington as well
Alike—(not caring to excell)
Shall gain the same renown