University of Virginia Library


Scene I.

Audience Chamber. The Court Assembled.
The King.
Princes and prelates, nobles, courtiers, friends!
Now thirty years have I unfaltering
Held in these hands the reins of policy,
And here have pacified and there repressed,
Pursuing peace with unsurrendered power.
And much of this felicity I owe
To sage suggestion of Gonzaga here.
[A murmur of admiration runs through the court.]
But, friends, I grow aweary of my task,
And would relinquish onerous royalty.
And this high seat I lightly abdicate
Since in my vacant room I set my son
[An applauding shout, which visibly pleases the King.]
Carlos. His youth unstained, his grave record
When youthful blood hath license, recommends him.


But that he might not climb these stairs untried,
But straight from battle to a throne proceed,
Against Granada I have now despatched him.
To expel the encroaching Moor; each moment now
I look for him; but, happier augury,
I publicly proclaim that he shall wed
The princess child of royal Portugal.
This marriage builds a barrier doubly strong,
Against assault a rampart twice secure.
[Here Christina, a lady of the court, swoons, and is borne outward.]
So with a twofold gladness I expect
A son that warrior comes and bridegroom, too.

[A courier rushes in breathless and kneels before the King.]
Out of Granada, tidings hear, O King!
The city is retaken, the Moor is fled;
And brightest over all in battle burned
The Prince, who by a sudden flank assault
Drove headlong the surprised Moroccan arms;


And still they fled, and still the Prince pursued.
Already hard upon me is our host.

[The sound of arms and bugles of the returning army is heard, and with loud triumphant shouts the court disperses to welcome the victors, leaving only the King and Gonzaga.]
The King
Gonzaga, let me not in flood of joy
Omit a duty. She who swooned but now,
Doña Christina, I have reared till now.
But ere I abdicate I will to leave
A spacious and a broad estate to her,
To be a home, or dowry should she wed.
Her mother I knew well in other days.
I cannot leave her to a youth's caprice,
Who might o'erlook her need, no cause assigned.
Let this not slip!


O King, be thou assured.

[A burst of music outside, and Don Carlos rushes in, blood-spattered, and is caught in his father's arms, who holds him close in silence.]
The King
My dear, dear son!—God, for this perfect moment
Let us not suffer afterward! Again,
Again I kiss thee through the spattered blood.
Thou hast no scar?

Scathless have I come off.

The King
And now I gird on thee this dazzling toy;
[He girds a jewelled dagger on the Prince.]


A toy, yet capable of mortal use.

[The Prince draws the blade and looks smilingly at it.]
A pretty thing to wear, if not to use.

The King
But now to give felicity a crown,
My son, a bride awaits thee!
[The Prince starts away from his father, who, however, continues unconsciously.]
Ah, this news
Strikes sudden on you! Listen, then!
[He takes the Prince by the arm, walking to and fro excitedly.]
She is
A royal daughter out of Portugal.
This marriage seals two neighbour kingdoms close,
And builds a bristling frontier 'gainst the Moor.


So you as soldier and as lover reign!
What is your answer?
[The Prince remains silent, with bowed head. The King stands gazing at him astonished. A pause.]
Carlos, answer me!
[Still the Prince is silent. Again a pause.]
Boy, look up in my face and speak, at least!
And let me have a human word from you!

[Raising his head]
Father, I am o'er-flurried from the war,
Give me a little pause!

The King
A pause? But why?
Have I deserved such silence from my son?
Have I not compassed you with deeper love
Than e'er man gave to woman? Since you lisped,
Have I not hoarded every whisper up?


Have I not cried aloud to God for thee?
Hot speech from you, or maddest reason given
I can endure, but motionless refusal,
Silence and sullenness I will not bear.
That you must seek and choose your phrase I loathe.
When have I given you cause to hide your thought,
Until this instant so transparent clear!
[He paces to and fro in agitation, then pauses before his son.]
Still silent!

Father, give me till to-night!

The King
Child, you have not lived long enough to know
What pain you deal me with your secretness.

Prince, you will pardon me, but on your word
Hangs here the embassy from Portugal.


It will be taken at that fiery court
An insult, making more for war than peace
If this proposéd marriage you defer,
And no cause given.

To-night I'll give the cause,
Father, to you alone—then as you will.

The King
How suddenly my bliss is clouded o'er,
And what was free and bright, constrained and dark.
To-night your certain answer then!

[Exeunt King and Gonzaga. The Prince passes his hand over his brow in a gesture of doubt and terror.]