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Poems, chiefly dramatic and lyric

by the Revd. H. Boyd ... containing the following dramatic poems: The Helots, a tragedy, The Temple of Vesta, The Rivals, The Royal Message. Prize Poems, &c. &c

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APRIL 10th, 1793.

In midnight pomp, in Tamor's fairy hall,
(Her green stole for a mourning pall
Exchang'd) the queen of Eirin sate,
Pond'ring her isle's impending fate.
Her tuneless lyre was hung on high
Like a pale meteor in a gloomy sky;
Her mute attendants stood around,
List'ning with dread the distant sound,
Where, must'ring all his factious tribes afar,
The sire of tempest call'd his sons to war;
Mad Rebellion rode the flaw,
And loud Misrule, and scorn of law;


From Gallia's strand, in dark ascent
Their westward course the demons bent,
And sent the foaming surge before
Dashing on Ierne's shore.
“Fling your spells! ye sylphid train!
“O'er the land, and o'er the main.
“Concord! on your halcyon car,
“Mount, and meet the coming war.
“Ere yon loud Æolian band
“Smite my harp with frantic hand,
“And rudely wakes the descant loud
“That calls to arms the madding crowd.”
In vain the Queen her prayers addrest,
Howling o'er the starless waste,
The coming tempest wing'd with fate,
Wafts along its gloomy freight;
And round the roof, with awful sweep
Sends its voice, in cadence deep.
Yelling thro' the rocking dome,
Faction's fiend, on sounding wing,
Twangs the high-suspended string,
The signal to his sister Gnome.
His sister Gnome the signal heard,
And soon the flag of mischief rear'd;
While Stygian lungs the pipe inspir'd,
Which the rude revolters fir'd.
Around in gloomy ambuscade,
Peopling thick the waving shade


In hordes, they plot th'intended wrong,
Or sweep the plain, an hideous throng.
The frighted moon their march beholds
And in deep clouds her vestal charms enfolds.
To Tamor's hall, with mast'ring powers
The rebels point their midnight course;
The Queen beheld, with terrour pale,
Their ensigns, fluttering to the gale,
And heard them, round the 'leaguer'd wall
With menace loud for entrance call.
“Oh! reach yon harp,” with loud exclaim
The Queen began, “its magic frame
“Shall echo that imperial strain,
“At whose deep charm the rebel train
“Shall drop their arms, and speed away
“Like night, before the shafts of day!—
“Touch the soul-commanding string,
“Ye fairies! form a shadowy ring,
“And chant those names, whose potent spell
“The deadly pest can yet dispell;
“Can rescue the insulted laws,
“And bid the march of Horrour pause!—
Their virtues guard the threat'ned land,
Their worth arrests the flaming brand!
Eliza first, for her alone
“The humanizing arts their lov'd protectress own;
“Those favour'd arts, which charm'd of yore
“The savage tribes on Hebrus shore.


“When Orpheus touch'd the sacred wire,
“And the wild passions own'd his lyre.
“Her name perfumes the northern air,
“Where sav'd from want and chill despair,
“By the bounteous plans design'd
“In her bright expansive mind.
“ The swains, who mourn'd their way-ward lot,
“New tracks of industry are taught;
“Where her ready steps she turns,
“Deep distress no longer mourns.
“Where her smiles the prospect clear,
“Anguish dries the falling tear.
“The muse in her protection slumbers,
“Time shall wake her magic numbers;
“When the fated round complete
“Shall bid awake the descant sweet,
“Echoing thro' this gladsome hall
“When other tribes shall hear the call,
“And at the charm, the nameless clan,
“Shall drop the savage, and resume the man!”
Soon, ere half the song was heard,
The dark invasion disappeared;
Faction's hand her banner furls
Discord all her snakes uncurls.


The bugle blows a swift retreat,
And back, “with many twink'ling feet,”
They scud along the moonlight lawn
Like elves before the rosy dawn.

Plans for new manufactures in the linen branch, recommended and encouraged by the Countess of Moira.