University of Virginia Library


VIII. In the Marriage Service.

But lo, a small and silent train
Is gather'd 'neath the pictur'd pane,
Where ancient saints in light profound,
Stand, like stern witnesses, around;
Whose rainbow hues now play below
Fitfully on the vest of snow:
'Tis bridal Love that doth repair
To light her holy torch-light there.
Varied as Morning's eastern door,
That Prayer hath other thoughts in store:
As on some dove's soft mantling breast
When vernal lights or shadows rest,
There come forth interchangeably
An emerald, gold, or silver dye,
Which 'neath the secret color lie.
“O Thou, of whom all families,
In Earth and Heaven are named, may that Name,
Which all our wills and wishes sanctifies,


Be hallowed in each household; may the flame
From off thine Altar light the peaceful hearth,
And patriarchal blessings crown the same.
A type of Thy true Kingdom here on earth,
An household, over which Thy holy Dove
Broods, nurturing below to heav'n-taught worth,
Angelic order, and harmonious love.
The ministering elements in Thy hand lie,
Open for them Thy store-houses above:
Their spirits clothe with the meek poverty
Of the true Bridegroom, His law to fulfil
In mutual forbearing charity.
Stand Thou about them night and day, that ill
May not approach their dwelling, nor sin's bane
Tempt forth, then blast with death the wandering will.
So rise they on that bridal morn again,
Where all as Angels Thy great Kingdom fill,
And in thine everlasting glory reign!”