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Canidia, or the Witches

A Rhapsody. In Five Parts

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‘So, now they're gone, and I ha'done,
‘For this Job, my Web is spun.
‘Sisters, my Charge to you is, When enrag'd
‘For deep Revenge, you stand engag'd.
‘You have your Commissions, you know,
‘From the Illustrious States below:
‘And because they are at large,
‘I give you this special Charge.
‘You know my mind, Go strip the Lad,
‘Whom you in safe Custody have had.
‘Dig a Hole in the ground, put him in,
‘Bury him close up to the Chin.
‘Regard not his Cries nor Tears,
‘For fear you should stop close your Ears.
‘That you may do him the utmost spight,
‘Set Delicacies in his sight;
‘Let him smell, not taste, pine day and night.
‘When all's consum'd to Skin and Bone,
‘Favour him not to dye alone.


‘Take him up alive, and roast the Brat,
‘As you would do a Dog or Cat:
‘But save his Liver, Lungs and Heart,
‘Keep them safe in an Urn apart,
‘Beat them to Powder, serve them up
‘In a Lovers Spiced Cup.
‘Burn the Carkass, for a Perfume
‘To Proserpina's Dining-Room.
‘So I dismiss you, I am tyr'd,
‘As a Hackney in a Bog bemir'd.
‘Get you gone you Mischievous Jades,
‘Go, keep your Shops, and follow your Trades.