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Nor, Eusden, tho' thy Brother Sov'reign made,
Mean I thy peaceful Regions to invade,
Conscious, alas! that all thy Toils are vain,
On English Ground, at once to please and reign.


Berwick on Tweed thy Ne plus ultra stands!
Thy Name, unknown, in Caledonian Lands!
Mine, far and wide, has warm'd a frozen Clime!
Remotest Thule celebrates my Rhyme!
Orkney and Zetland my Applauses sound!
And I'm among the Hebrides renow'd!
Where is the Highland Hill, or Lowland Tree,
That bears no grateful Characters of me?
All read, with Wonder, my unrival'd Lays,
And know no Head-piece, worthier of the Bays.
Ev'n Pennicuick, and Ramsay, own my Claim!
'Tis past Dispute, when once confess'd by them.

The Name of the present Laureat of England.

The Names of Two rival Verse-makers, now living in Scotland.