University of Virginia Library

C. A chielde is borne with vs to dwell:
Nomen eius Emanuell.


This is the stone kut of the hille,’
Thus seith the prophete Daniell,
‘Borne of a mayde in dede and wille.’
Nomen eius Emanuell.
Scripture full welle to vs doth tell,
Nomen eius Emanuell.


Thus seide the prophete Ysay
Long tyme before, or it befell:
‘A meyde shall bere a chield, truly,
Nomen eius Emanuell.’
Scripture full well to vs doth tell,
Nomen eius Emanuell.


‘He is oure lorde,’ seith Ieramye,
‘This chielde now borne with vs to dwell,
And non like hym is fare ne neye.’
Nomen eius Emanuell.
Scripture full well to vs doth tell,
Nomen eius Emanuell.


‘The sonne of god,’ Abacuc seyde,
‘By whome althing was made full well,
In an oxe stalle was porely leyde.’
Nomen eius Emanuel.
Scripture full well to vs doth tell,
Nomen eius Emanuell.


‘Alle kinges vnto hym do pray,’
Thus seith Dauid, as I you tell,
‘And alle peoplez hym shall obay.’
Nomen eius Emanuell.
Scripture full well to vs doth tell,
Nomen eius Emanuell.



Nowe lete vs pray bothe alle and sume
To this aungell of alle counsell ,
To heuen blisse that we may cume.
Nomen eius Emanuell.
Scripture full well to vs doth tel l,
Nomen eius Emanuell.