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The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, By William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from Numerous Manuscripts, with Prefaces, Notes and a Glossary, By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat

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[Passus septimus de visione, vtprius.]

Þis weore a wikked wei bote hose hedde a gyde,
Þat mihte folwen us vch a fote forte þat we come þere.”
Quaþ perkyn þe plouȝmon “bi peter þe Apostel,
I haue an half Aker to herie bi þe heiȝe weye;
Weore he wel I-Eried þenne with ou wolde I Wende,
And wissen ou þe rihte weye til ȝe founden treuþe.”
“Þat weore a long lettynge” quaþ a ladi in a skleir,
“What schul we wimmen worche þe while?”
“Summe schul souwe sakkes for schedyng of Whete,
And ȝe wyues þat habbeþ wolle worcheþ hit faste,
[Spynneth it spedily spareþ noght ȝour fyngres],
Bote ȝif hit beo haly day or elles holy euen.
Lokeþ forþ or Linnene And labereþ þer-on faste.
Þe Neodi and þe Nakede nym ȝeeme hou þei liggen,


And cast on hem cloþes for colde for so wolde treuþe;
For I schal lene hem lyflode But ȝif þe lond fayle,
As longe as I liue for vr lordes loue of heuene.
And ȝe, loueli Ladies with oure longe Fyngres,
Þat habbeþ selk, and sendel souweþ, whon tyme is,
Chesybles for Chapeleyns and Churches to honoure;
And alle maner of Men þat bi Mete liuen,
Helpeþ him worche wihtliche þat winneþ oure fode.”
Bi Crist,” quaþ a kniht þo “þou [kennest] vs þe beste!
Saue o tyme trewely þus tauht was I neuere!
Bote [kenne] me,” quod þe kniht “and I-chul conne erie;
[I wol helpe þee to labore whil my lyf lastiþ.”]
“Bi seint peter,” quod Pers “for þou profrest þe so lowe,
I schal swynken and sweten and sowen for us boþe,
And eke labre for þi loue al my lyf tyme,
In Couenaunt þat þou kepe Holi chirche and my-seluen
From wastors and Wikkede men þat Wolden vs destruyen.
And go þou hunte hardily to Hares and to Foxes,


To Beores and to Bockes þat brekeþ menne hegges,
And fecche þe hom Faucuns þe Foules to quelle;
For þei comen in-to my croft And Croppen my Whete.'
Ful Curteisliche þe kniht conseiued þeose wordes;
“Be my pouwer, pers I plihte þe my trouþe
To folfulle þe Foreward while þat I may stonde!”
“But ȝit O poynt,” quod pers “I preye þe no more;
Loke þou teone no tenaunt bote treuþe wol assente:
And ȝif pore men profreþ ou presentes or ȝiftes,
Takeþ hem not, in auenture ȝe mouwen hem not deseruen;
For þou schalt ȝelden hit a-ȝeyn at one ȝeeres ende,
In a wel perilous place þat Purgatorie hette.
And mis-beode þou not þi bonde-men þe beter þou schalt spede,
And þat þi-self be trewe of tonge and tales þou hate,
Bote hit beo wisdam or wit þi werkmen to chaste.
Hold not þou with harlotes here not heore tales,
And nomeliche atte Mete suche Men eschuwe;
For þei ben þe deueles disours I do þe [to] vndurstonde.”
“Ich a-sente, be seint Iem!” seide þe kniht þenne,
“For to worche bi þi word while my lyf dureþ.”


“And I schal A-paraile me,” quod perkin “In pilgrimes wyse,
And wende with ou þe rihte wei til ȝe treuþe fynde.”
He caste on his cloþes I-clouted and I-hole,
His Cokeres and his Coffus for Colde of his nayles,
He heng an Hoper on his Bac In stude of a Scrippe,
A Busschel of Bred corn he bringeþ þer-Inne:
“For I wol souwen hit my-self and seþþen with ou wende.
For hose helpeþ me to heren or eny þing to swynken,
He schal haue, beo vr lord þe more huyre in heruest,
And make him murie with þe Corn hose hit euere bigruccheþ.
And alle kunnes Craftus men þat cunne lyuen with treuþe,
I schal fynden hem heore fode þat Fiþfuliche lyuen;
Saue Iacke þe Iogelour And Ionete of þe stuyues,
And Robert þe Ribaudour for his Rousti wordes.
Treuþe tauhte hit me ones and bad me telle hit forther,
Deleantur de libro [I ne shulde not dele wiþ hem,]
Holi churche is holden of hem no tiþe to taken;


Et cum Iustis non Scribantur;

Þei ben a-scaped good þrift god hem amende!”
Dame [werche]-whon-tyme-is Hette Pers Wyf,
His douhter hette do-riht-so- or-þi-dame-wol-þe-bete,
His sone hette Soffre-þi-souereyns- for-to-han-heor-wille-
And-deeme-hem-not-for-ȝif-þou-do- þou-schalt-hit-deore-abugge.
[“Let god worþe wiþ al for so his woord techiþ;]
For nou Icham old and hor and haue of myn owne,
To Penaunce and to pilgrimage I wol passe with þis oþure.
For-þi I wole, ar I Wende write my Testament.
In dei nomine, Amen I make hit mi-seluen.
He schal haue my soule þat best haþ deseruet,
And defende hit from þe fend for so I beo-leeue,
Til I come to myn A-Countes as my Crede me telleþ,
To ha Reles and Remission on þat Rental I be-leeue.
Þe Chirche schal haue my Careyne And kepe mi Bones;
For of my Corn and Catel heo Craueþ þe Tiþe.
I Payede him prestly for peril of my soule,


He is holden, Ich hope to haue me in Muynde,
And munge me in his memorie Among alle cristene.
Mi wyf schal haue þat I won with treuþe, and no more,
And dele A-mong my Frendes and my deore children.
For þauh I dye þis day my dettes beoþ I-quit;
I Bar hom þat I Borwede er I to bedde eode,
And with þe Residue and þe Remenaunt by þe Rode of Chestre!
I wol Worschupe þer-Wiþ Treuþe in my lyue,
And ben his pilgrym atte plouȝ for pore Mennes sake.
Mi plouh-pote schal be my pyk and posshen atte Rootes,
And helpe my coltre to kerue and close þe vorwes.”
Now is Pers and þe pilgrimes to þe plouh I-fare;
To heren þis half-Acre helpen him ful monye.
Dykers and Deluers Dikeden vp þe Balkes;
Þer-with was perkyn a-payed And preisede hem ȝerne.
Oþur werk-men þer weren þat Wrouȝten ful monye,
Vche Mon in his maner Made him to done;
And Summe, to plese perkyn pykeden vp þe weodes.
At heiȝ prime perkyn lette þe plouȝ stonde,
While þat he ouer-seȝe him-self ho þat best wrouhte;


He schulde ben huyred þer-aftur whon heruest tyme come.
Þenne seten summe And songen atte ale,
And holpen him to herien wiþ “Hey! trolly-lolly!”
“Now, be þe prince of paradys” quaþ pers þo in wraþþe,
“Bote ȝe Rysen þe raþer and Rape ȝow to worche,
Schal no greyn þat heer groweþ gladen ow at neode,
And þauh ȝe dyen for de-faute þe deuel haue þat Recche!”
Þenne weore þe faytors a-ferd And feynede hem blynde,
And summe leiden þe legges a-liri as suche losels cunne,
And playneden hem to pers with suche pitouse wordes:
“We haue no lymes to labore with vr lord we hit þonken,
Bote we preyeþ for ou, pers and for oure plouh boþe,
Þat God for his grace oure greyn multiplye,
And ȝelde ow for oure Almus þat ȝe ȝiuen vs here!
For we mowe nouþur swynke ne swete such seknes vs eileþ.”
“Ȝif hit beo soþ þat ȝe seyne,” quod pers “sone I schal a-spye!
Ȝe beoþ wastors, I wot and treuþe wot þe soþe!


Icham his holde hyne and ouȝte him to warne
Whuche wastors In world his werk-Men distruyȝen.
Ȝe eten þat þei schulden eten þat [heren] for vs alle;
Bote Treuþe schal techen ow his Teeme for to dryue,
Boþe to sowen and to setten and sauen his tilþe,
Gaste Crowen from his Corn and kepen his Beestes,
Or ȝe schulle ete Barly Bred and of þe Brok drynke.
Bote heo beo blynde or broke-schonket or bedreden liggen,
Þei schul haue as good as I so me god helpe,
[Til god of his grace gare [hem] to arise].
Ancres and Hermytes þat holdeþ hem in heore Celles
Schulen habben of myn Almus Al þe while I liue,
I-nouh vche day at Non but no more til a morwe,
Leste þe Fend and heore flesch fouleden heore soules;
Ones at Noon Is I-nouȝ þat no werk ne vseþ,
He abydeþ wel þe bet þat Bommeþ not to ofte.”
Þenne wastours gunne arise and wolden han I-fouhte;
To Pers þe plouh Mon [one] profrede his gloue,
A Brutiner, A Braggere A-Bostede him Alse,
And bad go pisse him with his plouh pillede screwe!


“For we wolen habbe of þi Flour wol þou so nulle þou,
And of þi Flesch fecche whon þat vs lykeþ,
[And make vs merye þerwiþ maugre þi chekes!”]
Þenne Pers plouh-mon playnede him to þe kniht,
To kepen him as Couenaunt was from cursede schrewes,
From wastors þat wayten winners to schende.
Curteisliche þe kniht as his kuynde wolde,
Warnede wastors and wissede hem do betere;
“Or ȝe schul a-bugge hit bi [þe] lawe bi þe Ordre þat I bere!”
“I was not wont to worche,” quod a wastour “ȝit wol I not biginne!”—
And lette luytel of þe lawe and lasse of þe kniht,
And countede pers at a peose and his plouh boþe,
And Manasede him and his men whon þat þei next metten.
Nou be þe peril of my soule,” quaþ Pers þe plouh-Mon,
I schal a-peiren ow alle for oure proude wordes!”
And hoped aftur hunger þo þat herde him atte furste:
“A-wrek me on þis wastors,” quod pers “þat þis world schendeþ!”
Hongur in haste hente [wastor] bi þe mawe,


And wrong him so be þe wombe þat boþe his eȝen watreden,
And Buffetede þe [brutiner] aboute boþe his chekes;
He lokede lyk a Lanterne al his lyf After.
He Beot so þe Boyes he barst neih heore Ribbes,
Nedde Pers wiþ a peose lof I-preyed him to leue;
And with a Benene Bat I-bot hem by-twene,
And hutte hongur þer-with A-midde boþe his lippes,
And he bledde in-to þe Bodiward a Bolleful of gruwel;
Nedde þe Fisicien furst defendet him water
To Abate þe Barli bred and þe Benes I-grounde,
Þei hedden beo ded bi þis day and doluen al warm.
Þenne Faytors for fere flowen to Bernes,
And flapten on with fleiles from morwe til euen,
Þat Honger nas not hardi vp for to loke,
For A potful of peosun þat pers hedde I-mad.
An Hep of Hermytes henten heom spades,
And doluen drit and donge to dutte honger oute.
Blynde and Bedraden weore Botned a þousent,
Þat lyȝen for blynde and for broke-legget


Vppon softe sonenday bi þe heiȝe weye;
Hungur hem helede wiþ an hot Cake.
Lome mennes limes weore lyþet þat tyme,
And bi-come knaues to kepe pers beestes,
And preyeden for Charite with pers for to dwelle,
[Al] for Couetyse of his corn to caste a-wey hunger.
Pers was proud þer-of And put hem in offys,
And ȝaf hem mete and moneye as þei mihte deseruen.
Þenne hedde peers pite and preiede hunger to wende
Hom to his oune hurde And holden him þer for euere.
“And ȝit I preye þe,” quod pers “er þou passe henne,
Of Bidders and of beggers what is best to done?
I wot wel whon þou art I-went þei wol worchen ful ille;
And Mischef hit makeþ þei beoþ so meke nouþe,
And for de-faute of foode þus faste þei worchen;
And heo beoþ my blodi breþeren for god bouȝte vs alle.
Treuþe tauhte me ones to louen hem vchone,
And helpen hem of alle þyng aftur þat hem neodeþ.
Ȝit wolde I witen ȝif þou wustest what were þe beste,
And hou I mihte A-Maystren hem and maken hem to worche.”


Here nou,” quod hunger “and holde hit for wisdam,
Bolde Bidders and Beggers þat mowen her mete biswinke,
With houndes bred and horse bred hold vp heor hertes,
And Bamme hem with bones for bollyng of heore wombes;
And ȝif þe gomes grucchen bidde hem go swynke,
And þei schule soupe þe swettore whon þei han hit deseruet.
And ȝif þou fyndest eny Freik þat fortune haþ a-peiret
With fuir, or with fals folk fonde suche to knowe;
Cumforte hem with þi Catel for cristes loue of heuene,
Loue hem, and lene hem so þe lawe of kuynde wole.
And alle manere of Men þat þou mayȝt aspye,
Þat neodi ben, or naket and nouȝt haue to spende,
With Mete or with Moneye mak hem fare þe betere,
Or with word or with Werk while þat þou art here.
Mak þe Frendes þer-with for so Seint Matheu techeþ,

Facite vobis amicos de mammona iniquitatis.”

“I wolde not greue god,” quod pers “for al þe gold on ground;


Miht I sunneles don as þou seist?” seide pers þenne.
“Ȝe, I be-hote þe,” quod hunger “or elles þe Bible lyȝeþ;
Go to Genesis þe Ieaunt engendrure of vs alle;
In Sudore and swynk þou schalt þi mete tilie,
And labre for þi lyflode' for so vr lord hiȝte.
And Sapiens seiþ þe same I saih hit in þe Bible;
Piger propter frigus no feld nolde he tilie,
He schal go bidde and begge and no mon beete his hunger.’
Matheu þe Monnes face he Mommeþ þeose wordes,
Seruus nequam hedde npnam and for he nolde hit vsen,
He hedde Maugre of his Maister euere more aftur;

Auferte ab illo mnam, & date illi, &c.]

He bi-nom him his npnam for he nolde not worche,
And ȝaf hit him in haste þat hedde ten bi-fore;
And seþþen he þus seide his seruauns hit herden,
He þat haþ schal haue to helpe þer neod is,
And he þat nouȝt haþ, nouȝt schal haue ne no mon him helpe;


And he þat hopeþ forte haue hit him beo bi-reuet.’
For kuynde wit Wolde þat vche mon wrouhte
Wiþ techinge or with tilynge or trauaylynge of hondes,
Actyf lyf or Contemplatyf Crist wolde hit alse.
For so seiþ þe Sauter In Psalm of beati omnes,

[Labores manuum tuarum quia manducabis, &c.]

He þat get his fode her with trauaylinge in Treuþe,
God ȝiueþ him his blessyng þat his lyflode so swynkeþ.”
“Yit I preye þe,” quod pers “par Charite, ȝif þou Conne
Eny lyf of leche Craft lere hit me, my deore.
For summe of my seruauns beoþ seke oþer-while,
Of alle þe wike heo Worcheþ not so heor wombe akeþ.”
“I wot wel,” quod Hungur “What seknesse hem eileþ,
Þei han I-Maunget ouur muche þat makeþ hem grone ofte.
Ac Ich hote þe,” quod Hungur “and þou þin hele wylne,
Þat þou drynke no dai til þou haue dynet sumwhat;
Ete not, Ich hote þe til hunger þe take,
And sende þe sum of his sauce to sauer þe þe betere;


Keep sum til soper tyme And [sit] þou not to Longe,
A-Rys vp ar appetyt habbe I-ȝeten his Fulle.
Let not sir Surfet sitten at þi Bord;
Loue him not, for he is a lechour and likerous of Tonge,
And aftur mony Metes his Mawe is a-longet.
And ȝif þou diȝete þe þus I dar legge boþe myn Eres,
Þat Fisyk schal his Forred hod for his [foode] sulle,
And eke his cloke of Calabre with knappes of Gold,
And beo Fayn, be my Feiþ his Fisyk to lete,
And leorne to labre wiþ lond leste lyflode Faile;
Þer beoþ mo lyȝers þen leches vr lord hem amende!
Þei don men dyȝen þoruȝ heor drinke er destenye wolde.”
Bi seint Poul!” quod pers “þeos beoþ prophitable wordes!
Þis is a loueli lesson vr lord hit þe for-ȝelde!
Wend nou whon þi wille is Wel þe beo for euere!”
“I beo-hote þe,” quod hungur “heonnes nul I wende
Er I haue I-dynet bi þis day and I-dronke boþe.”
“I haue no peny,” quod pers “Poletes to bugge,
Nouþer gees ne grys bote twey grene cheeses,
And a fewe Cruddes and Craym and a þerf Cake,


And a lof of Benes and Bren I-Bake for my Children.
And I sigge, bi my soule I haue no salt Bacon,
Ne no Cokeneyes, bi Crist Colopus to maken.
Bot I haue porettes and percyl and moni Colplontes
And eke a Cou, and a Calf and a Cart-Mare
To drawe a-feld my donge Whil þe drouhþe lasteþ.
Bi þis lyflode I mot lyuen til lammasse tyme;
Bi þat, Ich hope forte haue heruest in my Croft;
Þenne may I dihte þi dyner as þe deore lykeþ.”
Al þe pore peple pese-coddes fetten,
Bake Benes in Bred þei brouhten in heor lappes,
Chibolles, Cheef mete and ripe chiries monye,
And proferde pers þis present to plese with hungur.
Honger eet þis in haste and asked aftur more.
Þenne þis folk for fere fetten him monye
Poretes, and Peosen for þei him plese wolden;
From þat tyme þat þulke weore eten take he schulde his leue
Til hit to heruest hiȝede þat newe corn com to chepynge.


Þenne was þat folk fayn and tedde hunger ȝeorne
With good Ale, and glotonye and gart him to slepe.
And þo nolde þe wastor worche but wandren aboute,
Ne no Beggere eten Bred þat Benes Inne coome,
Bote Coket and Cler Matin an of clene whete;
Ne non halfpeny Ale In none wyse drynke,
Bote of þe Beste and þe Brouneste þat Brewesters sullen.
Laborers þat haue no lond to liuen on Bote heore honden,
Deyne not to dyne a day niht-olde wortes.
Mai no peny Ale hem paye ne no pece of Bacun,
Bote hit weore Fresch Flesch or elles Fisch I-Friȝet,
Boþe chaud and pluschaud for chele of heore Mawe.
Bote he beo heihliche I-huret elles wol he chide,
Þat he was werkmon I-wrouȝt warie þe tyme,
And Corse ȝerne þe kyng and al his Counseil aftur,
Suche lawes to loke laborers to chaste.
Ac while hunger was Mayster heer wolde þer non chyde,
Ne striue aȝeyn þe statues so steorneliche he lokede.


I warne ȝou, alle werk-men winneþ while ȝe mowe,
Hunger hiderward aȝeyn hiȝeþ him ȝeorne.
He wole a-wake þorw watur þe wastours alle,
Er Fyue ȝer ben folfult such Famyn schal a-Ryse
Þorw Flodes and foul weder Fruites schul fayle;
And so seiþ [Saturne] and sent vs to warne.