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Poems of John Stewart of Baldyneiss

From the MS. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh: Edited by Thomas Crockett

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Thow bonie bour, obumbrat all vith bews,
Quhairin my maistres vmquhyll did delyt,
Quhan flouris fair of monie heawenlie hews
Decorit all thy plesand pairts perfyt,
Thow may lament And I vith duill Indyt
for laik of hir quham now, alace, we lois:
for I reiosit in hir color quhyt,
And be the same Thow semet moir formois.
Quhat Nymphe or Dian Sall posses the now,
O Plesand place so desolat alon?
Thy leifs dois fead And all thy branchis bow
for verray hawie sorrow, I suppon,
Because thy ladie far is from the gon,
My solas cheiflie, And thy gloir also;
As ring quhilk lossit hes the pretious ston,
So thow dois stand, And I am vext vith vo.
The lywelie luisteur of hir vult deuyn,
The quhilk I lang maist ernistlie to sie,
Vold schortlie eis this hawie hart of myn,
That for hir absence dois sic dolor drie:
And thow, o bour, maist blissit vold thow bie,
Gif thow hir presens mycht InIoy againe.
God grant me grace that happie hour to sie
Quhan I in the vith hir may blyth remaine.


Thy branchis bair, that now so viddrit beine,
Sall than reuert fresche flurissit and fair,
And all thy feadit leifis grow sall greine,
Quhair chirming birdis myrthfull sall repair;
Than temperat salbie the celest air
for fauor of this lustie ladie brycht;
Syn I hir awn salbie, Denud of cair
In spying of so sueit ane semlie sycht.