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The plays & poems of Robert Greene

Edited with introductions and notes by J. Churton Collins

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Veritas non quaerit Angulos.

No storme so sharp to rent the little Reede,
For sild it breakes though euery way it bend,
The fire may heat but not consume the Flint,
The gold in furnace purer is indeede.


Report that sild to honour is a friend,
May many lies against true meaning mynt:
But yet at last
Gainst slaunders blast,
Truth doth the silly sackles soule defend.
Though false reproach seekes honour to distaine
And enuy bites the bud though nere so pure:
Though lust doth seek to blemish chast desire,
Yet truth that brookes not falshoods slaunderous staine,
Nor can the spight of enuies wrath indure,
Will trie true loue from lust in Iustice fire,
And maulger all
Will free from thrall
The guiltles soule that keepes his footing sure.
Where innocence triumpheth in her prime,
And guilt cannot approach the honest minde:
Where chast intent is free from any misse,
Though enuie striue, yet secret searching time,
With piercing insight will the truth out finde,
And make discouerie who the guiltie is:
For time still tries
The truth from lies,
And God makes open what the world doth blinde.
Veritas temporis filia.