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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Oh! Now is the Trueth to mee, opened from the grounde:
But dispise not yet I praye thee, my farder Comunicacien:
For I am still much greeued, in my Cogitacion.
Therfore I must yet aske thee, with Woords of great Feruency:
Wherfore doth the Man, liue thus extreeme vnquyetly?
How cometh it to pas/that he feeleth not his Misery?
For whersoeuer I turne me (to tell thee now the Uerety)
I fynde no

Oze. 4.a. Mat. 24.b.

Loue at-all, I must it needes disclose:

But Mocking and Deryding, euery-wheare now floes/
Also Curssing, Swearing, Lying, and Reuyling/
Hatred or Enuy, and

Math. 24. 1. Cor 6.b. Ephe. 5.a. Gal. 5.b.

Falshod with Begyling/

Hipocricie, Sects, and Dissencion, out of-measure/
Uiolence, and Crueltie, voyde of Ioye or Pleasure/
Ambition, Oppression, with Deuouring ful sore/
Also high Wisdom, and New-inuencious, store/
With much Contending, Arguing, and Disputing/


Much Searching,

Tim. 1.a. 4.b. 6.c. 2. Tim. 2.a.

Demanding, and reprochfull Confuting/

Much Babling, Betraing, and Witnissing-vnright.
The Simplicitee must ; euery-wheare; bow vnder quyt:
Pryde, and Lightmyndednes, are also in Request/
Blaspheaming, and Persecuting/this causeth much Unrest:
Warr, Battell, and Rebellyon: who can the same now byde?
The Learned are at Discorde, and themselues in Parts deuyde:
Ther are likwyse Many, towards another, fiersly bent:
And to the Requyring of Gods Woorde, are disobedient.
The Subiects do their Rulers,

2. Tim. 1. 4.a.

resist and dispise.

And the Scholers, their masters Doctrine, likewyse.
Ther is no wheare true Concorde, but fayned Disscimulashon.
Now when I in my Heart, had all this in considerashon/
Then desyred I gladly, to haue som Information:
Wherfore the Man doth liue, thus voyde of Edification.
What is the cause he knoweth it not? tell me I thee praye.
Wherfore doth he choose the thing, that greeueth him alwaye:
And not that which is the Louelyest, and the very Best?