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Otia Sacra Optima Fides

[by Mildmay Fane]

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Upon the Rich Glutton, and Poor Begger.
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Upon the Rich Glutton, and Poor Begger.


There was a Certain Mighty Rich man, had
No other name (in Scripture) although clad
In Purple: who delitiously did fare
Daily, for which there neither Cost nor Care
Was spar'd, to feed his Gluttony with store,
Of what the Seas could yeeld when Galed ore;
And whatsome'r both Earth and Air afford,
Seem'd Heaped Tributes to his quainter bord:
So that no Element to his desire
Was Niggard, save what was reserv'd, the Fire.
Yet this man Died, and on that sleepy score
Was Buried—and no more—
There was an Other, whom spare Diet made
More spectacle for Charity, being laid
Naked and Cold before the Rich mans gate;
Who full of sores, and all Disconsolate,
Saving from what the licking Dogs apply,
Concludes all this worlds pomp but flattery:
Then He Dies too. But as in life these were
Nothing akin, so in Diameter
Death Their Condition states, for now 't appears,
What here was sown in Joy, there's reapt in tears;
And He who by hard Fate was here opprest,
In Abrams Bosom finds an Interest.