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[Sweetness, and gamesome images, surround]

[Sweetness, and gamesome images, surround]

Sweetness, and gamesome images, surround
Thy rest, young pilgrim!—pleasant breezes come,
And bear the odors of the blossoming ground,
And flap their wings above thy cheek's rich bloom!
And, O! that life may glide away with thee,
In infantile enjoyments!—while I pray,
Above thy baby-couch, that thou may'st be
Guarded by angels, innocent as they,
I would deny thee all the hopes that crowd
O'er childhood's pranking hours. Thou should'st not dream
Of aught in store, where childhood could be proud—


Nor, should deceitful fancy lend one beam,
To dazzle thee in the far coming years,
When life may be all bitterness and tears.