University of Virginia Library

The Sons of GOD, Singing among The Trees of GOD; Full of Sap, and of Songs before Him.

A Barren Tree! O, Why, My Lord,
This Cumberer of the Ground;
Why has it not yet heard the Word,
The Just Word, Cut it down!
'Tis owing, O my SAVIOUR, to
thy Intercession still,
That I am sav'd and standing so,
And not thrown down to Hell.
But from this Time, Oh, let me be
A Tree of Righteousness:
Fill'd with the Fruits of it; A Tree
Which thou wilt own and Bless.


A Tree planted and prun'd by GOD;
Fix'd by His Water-side:
The Fruits thereof Rich, Sweet, and Good;
And Thou thence Glorified.
From the Forbidden Tree I am,
How Poison'd and Undone!
From thence, how dismal Mischiefs came,
And Deaths, in which I groan!
But, O my SAVIOUR, By thy Death
Upon a Tree, thou art
The Tree of Life, to which my Faith
Flies with a Joyful Heart.
On Thee, O Tree of Life, I must
Rejoicing Feed and Live;
Thou'lt me, when fell'd and laid in Dust,
A Resurrection give.
Yea, When below to Mortal Eyes
I must no more appear,
Transplanted to thy Paradise,
I shall still flourish there.