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“Who can endure to leave the future all unguessed, and sit tamely down to groan under the fardel of the present? No, no! that which the foolish-wise call fanaticism, belongs to the same part of us as hope. Each is yearning for the Great Beyond which attests our immortality.”—


I long to know that which cannot be known,
Until my death—which, knowing not, doth give
Me much uneasiness on earth below,
At the same time it makes me long to live,
And fear to die, lest, dying, there should be
An end of all my immortality!
If the dark veil which keeps the soul below
Pavilioned from Eternity, were rent,
And we could see what we desire to know,
I think my spirit would be more content
Than it is now, which only hopes to be,
By faith, an heir of immortality.
But it is now denied us here to know
Aught that may happen in that world above;
Because, perhaps, our ignorance here below
May magnify the glory of our love
In Heaven, when we shall meet those who are dear
To us below, in that bright, glorious sphere.
And then it may be, that, to man is given
A fund of knowledge in this world below,
Commensurate with his faculties, which Heaven
Designed him only in this world to know,
To suit his mortal state, which, there, shall be
Enhanced, to suit his immortality.
Oaky Grove, Ga., April 10th, 1836.