University of Virginia Library


Summer sublet: female grad
students needs roommate: 2
bedroom, furnished. 2 blocks from
Grounds. 295-9015 after 6.

Goodson Music Center has opening
for guitar teacher and piano
teacher. Call 977-4610. *(4100)

Wanted: 3 bdrm or larger house or
cottage in country for next year:
call 977-0324. (st)

Opening: position lable June 15
for Resident Manager of University
International Center. Applicants
should be graduate students,
preferably married, with experience
in working with persons of varied
cultural backgrounds. Duties
include supervision of Center,
coordination of program activities,
under direction of International
Student Office. Pleasant living
quarters at 21 University Circle and
small salary provided, hours
flexible. For further information
call Mrs. Hale, International
Student Adviser, ext 3102. *(4119)

RN needed as Camp Nurse for 3 wk
session. Superior conditions. Call K.
Sorenson 977-6029 after 6 p.m.

Wanted 1-3 female roommates,
Summer sublet, University Hgts.
Furnished 3 bdrm, pool,
dishwasher, A/C. Rent $40
negotiable —977-8043. *(4060)

Couple wants garden plot. Willing
to do yardwork, give produce, or
something else in exchange.
977-7 *(4055)

Wanted: Efficiency apt. for 1 or 2
people close to A-school. Call
977-5673. *(4087)

Male grad student desires 1 bdrm
basement/1st floor apt. near U.
Beginning May, year lease.
977-4663. *(4068)