University of Virginia Library


1. A Certificate of Proficiency is conferred on one who has passed
examination on any of the following special courses: Anglo-Saxon, Early English,
Modern English, Rhetoric and English Literature, History, Political
Economy and Science of Society, Logic, Philosophy, Junior and Intermediate
Mathematics, Junior Physics, Agricultural Chemistry, Descriptive
Mineralogy, Determinative Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, General Biology,
Physiology, Human Anatomy, Medical Jurisprudence, Pharmacy, Constitutional
and International Law.

2. A Diploma of Graduation is conferred on one who has passed
examination on any of the following general courses: Latin, Greek, French,
German, Spanish, Italian, Modern Languages (i. e., French and German),
English Language and Literature, Historical Science, Moral Philosophy,
Pure Mathematics, Mixed Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Natural
Philosophy, Practical Physics, Practical Astronomy, General Chemistry,
Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Analytical and Agricultural
Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, Natural History and Geology, Biology
and Agriculture.