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MAY THE 26th 1619
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MAY THE 26th 1619


Generall Cæsill.  mr Tho: Gibbs.  mr Wm Palmer. 
Sr Edw: Sandis.  Capt. N: Butler.  mr Swinhowe. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Oxenbrigg.  mr Berblock. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Rogers.  mr Conell. 
mr Alder Iohnson.  mr Tho: Cañon.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Io: Wroth.  mr Essington.  mr Caswell. 
mr Io: fferrar Dp̃t.  mr H: Briggs.  mr Roberts etc. 

It was made knowne by mr Treasuror, that the two Comittees appointed
by the last Court for the reducing of the Standing orders into one
entire body, and for setling a forme of governement, and magistracy


in Virginia: The first haue mett as they were desired, and at the next
meeting hope to make an end, & present them to the Quarter Court
ensuing: ffor performance thereof haue desired further reference of
the second Comittee till ffriday after this Quarter Court, because
being a busines very waighty, it can not so soone be well digested;
but they will prepare and make them ready for the approbac̃on of a
Quarter Court in Michaelmas terme.

The busines formerly putt to arbitrement, and referred by the Com-
pany and the Lady Lawarre vnto mr. Thomas Simonds and mr
Thomas Westrowe touching the fraight of the Neptune, and the Acco
of Rich: Beomonnt mr and Part-Owner being concluded by the Arbi-
trators, and the perticulers now read, receiued the confirmac̃on of the
Court: Vpon wch mr Thr̃er paid the mony, and tooke in the Charter

Captaine Brewster hauing deliuered Articles obiected against Captaine
Samuell Argoll touching his governement in Virginia, to mr Treasuror
and mr Deputy, as the Last Court required, the same was now pre-
sented: Vnto wch order is giuen that Captaine Argoll haue a coppie
of them, as also of the writing of Appeale formerly deliuered in that
he make answere therevnto: And also that the said Captaine Samuell
Argoll (against the next Quarter Court) be warned to bring in his
writt of discharge.

The Last Court wherein mr Thr̃er was desired to repaire to mr Atturny
Generall to learne the Contents of a Pattent wch should be graunted [7]
to one Sumerscales about Tobacco. He now acquaynted them that he
had performed that trust, and findeth it to be very preiudiciall to this
Company, if the same should passe therefore advised that there might
forthwth be a course taken for to prevent and stopp the proceeding of
it: wch being taken into considerac̃on, the Court haue desired mr Tr̃er
to goe againe to mr Atturney Generall and to take some more paines
for to hinder the going forward of the same, and haue associated to
goe along wth him Generall Cecill, Sr Io: Wolstenholme, mr Alder̃
Iohnson and mr Iohn Wroth to morrowe morning at seauen of the
Clock, and if they faile of doing good therein, it is agreed, that the


Counsell shalbe assembled to take such further course therein as shall
seeme requisite mr Wm Palmer was desired to write to mr Sumerscales
to meete them at that hower at mr Atturnies.

It was also by mr Tr̃er propounded to the Cort as a thing most worthy
to be taken into considerac̃on both for the glory of God, and honor of
the Company, that forasmuch as the King in his most gracious fauor
hath graunted his L̃res to the seuerall Bishops of this Kingdome for
the collecting of monies to erect and build a Colledge in Virginia for
the trayning and bringing vp of Infidells children to the true knowl-
edge of God & vnderstanding of righteousnes. And considering
what publique notice may be taken in foreslowing to sett forward the
acc̃on, especially of all those wch hath contributed to the same, that
therefore to begin that pious worke, there is allready towards it
—1500li,—or thereabouts, whereof remayning in cash 800li, the rest is
to be answered out of the Stock of the Generall Company for so much
wch they borrowed, besides the likelihood of more to come in; ffor
mr Treasuror hauing some conference wth the Bishop of Lichfield, he
hath not heard of any Collecc̃on that hath beene for that busines in
his Diocese; but promiseth when he hath a warrt therevnto he will wth
all dilligence further the enterprize; Wherevpon he conceaued it the
best fittest; that as yet they should not build the Colledge, but
rather forbeare a while; and begin first with the meanes they haue to
provide and settle an Annuall revennue, and out of that to begin the
erecc̃on of the said Colledge: And for the performance hereof also
moued, that a certaine peece of Land be Laid out at Henrico being
the place formerly resolued of wch should be called the Colledge Land,
and for the planting of the same send presently ffifty good persons to
be seated thereon and to occupy the same according to order, and to
∥haue∥ halfe the benefitt of their Labor and the other halfe to goe in
setting forward the worke, and for mayntenance of the Tutors &
Schollers. He therefore propounded that a Shipp might be prouided
against the begining of August, to carry those ffifty men wth their
prouisions, as also to send ffiftie persons more to the Com̃on Land wch
may raise a Stock for the paying of dueties there and defraying the
Companies charge here, and to send provision of victualls wth them for


a yeare: And for the defraying the charge hereof did also propound
the meanes; first for the Colledge there was mony in Cash, and besides
it may saue the Ioint stock the sending out a Shipp this yeare, wch for
4d a pound they will bring from thence all their Tobacco wch may arise
to ffive hundreth poundℯ besides mony that may come in otherwise to
[8] helpe to beare the charge of the voyage; Wch Proposic̃on was well
liked but the time and season not allowed of all; and by some
obiected, that the Generall Plantac̃on should receaue much mony if
more men were sent ouer soe sodaynly before those that are allready
gone haue procured wherewthall to subsist; as also being a matter of
greate consequence it did more propperly belong to the deciding of a
Quarter Cort: but the former reasons being answered; and being
further alleaged if it were till then prolonged the time would be past
for their provisions of beefe, beere, and meate. Wherevpon after
Long arguing and disputing thereof it was agreed to be putt to the
question; Wch being propounded whether a shipp should be sett out
to carry men for these two good vses and be sett out at the publique
charge—(vizt) wth 50 Passengers for the Colledge Land, and 50 for
the Com̃on Land, it was by generall consent, and erecc̃on of handℯ
allowed and confirmed.

One mr Weyncop comended to the Company by the Earle of Lincolne
intending to goe in person to Virginia, and there to plant himselfe and
his Associats presented his Pattent now to the Cort; wch was referred
to the Comittee that meeteth vpon ffriday morning at mr Treasurors
howse to consider and if need be to correct the same.