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Note.—Any A courses which are not repetitions of courses previously taken,
may be substituted for any A courses of the regular session.

Likewise, any B courses which are not repetitions of courses previously taken
may be substituted for any B courses of the regular session.

English sA1-I: Composition: First Term. 11:30; L. B. 2. Credit, 1

Mr. Vaughan.

Equivalent to one term of English A1 or A2. Narration will receive special attention.

English sA1-II: Survey of English Literature: First Term. 9:30; L.
B. 2. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Vaughan.

Chaucer to Dryden.

English sA1-III: Survey of English Literature: Second Term. 9:30;
L. B. 2. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Johnson.

Dryden to Tennyson.

English sA2-II: Survey of American Literature: First Term. 10:30;
L. B. 2. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Harrison.

American Literature to 1870.

English sA2-III: Survey of American Literature: Second Term. 8:30;
L. B. 2. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Johnson.

American Literature since 1870.

English sB1-III: The American Short Story: First Term. 8:30; L.
B. 1. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Harrison.

1 year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB2-III: Shakespeare—Comedies: Second Term. 9:30; L. B. 1.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Shepperson.

1 year of college English prerequisite for credit.


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English sB3-II: The Romantic Poets—Byron and Coleridge: First
Term. 11:30; L. B. 1. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Sledd.

1 year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB3-III: Kipling—Prose and Poetry: Second Term. 11:30;
L. B. 1. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Gordon.

1 year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB4-I: Chaucer and Medieval Stories: Second Term. 10:30;
L. B. 1. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Hench.

The Canterbury Tales and other literature from the middle ages read in translation.

English sB6-I: Advanced Composition: First Term. 9:30; L. B. 1.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Alleman.

1 year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB7-I: Tennyson: First Term. 12:30; L. B. 1. Credit, 1

Mr. Sledd.

1 year of college English prerequisite for credit.

English sB9-I: Ballad and Folk-song: First Term. 10:30; M. H. 14.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Davis.

1 year of college English prerequisite for credit.

The literature of traditional ballads and songs, with phonographic and other emphasis
on their musical character.

English sC1-II: The Later Eighteenth-Century Novel: Second Term.
8:30; G. H. 1. Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Shepperson.

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

English sC1-III: Shakespeare: First Term. 9:30; G. H. 1. Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Gordon.

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

English sC2-I: The Elizabethan Drama: Second Term. 10:30; G. H. 1.
Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Gordon.

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

English sC2-II: Restoration Drama: First Term. 10:30; G. H. 1.
Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Gordon.


Page 64

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

English sC3-I: Eighteenth-Century Poetry: Second Term. 11:30; G.
H. 1. Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Johnson.

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

English sC4-I: Victorian Literature: First Term. 11:30; G. H. 1.
Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Davis.

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

A modern introduction to Victorian literature, with a special class study of Matthew
Arnold, and individual research in other Victorian writers.

English sC7-I and sC7-II: Old English—Old English Grammar and
Prose Reading:
First Term. 8:30 to 10:30; G. H. Upstairs. Fee, $10.00.

Mr. Shannon.

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

This course will not be given for fewer than six students.

English sC8-II: Middle English Lyrics: Second Term. 9:30; G. H. 1.
Fee, $5.00.

Mr. Hench.

3 years of college English prerequisite; for graduate credit, an approved degree
is prerequisite.

(See paragraph 4 on page 42.)

English s41: Survey of English Grammar: First Term. 11:30; L.
B. 5. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

Miss Andrews.

A comprehensive study of the indispensable features of present-day English grammar,
in which language is considered chiefly from the functional side, or service in thinking
and expression. Especial emphasis is given to sentence structure, analysis, practical sentence
improvements, educated usage, and punctuation.

Text: Buehler's Modern English Grammar and Composition. Revised Edition.

English s42: The Teaching of Composition: First Term. 8:30; L. B.
5. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

Miss Andrews.

This course organizes language study upon a social basis as it immediately affects the
success of students as participants in and contributors to school life, the home group, and
community activities. Foundation problems growing out of the need of good English for
life uses furnish incentives and materials for expression and appeal to both group spirit
and individual striving for skill in language.

English s43: The Teaching of Literature in the High School: First
Term. 10:30; L. B. 5. Credit, 1 session-hour elective.

Miss Andrews.

This course makes each selection studied a concrete and suggestive example, through
demonstration, of desirable subject matter and class procedure in high school literature. It
employs the group plan of reading and seeks a modern approach to literature without losing
the value of older standard literature.