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Latin A1: Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite.—I.
In Language: General grammar, with oral and written exercises.
II. In Literature: Sallust, Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of
Vergil, Æneid VII-XII, and Ovid Metamorphoses III-Xv; Cicero,
Old Age and Friendship. III. In Life: The public and private life of the
Romans. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Two sections. Professor
FitzHugh, Mr. Peebles and Mr. Thompson.

Latin B1: Latin A1 prerequisite.—I. In Language: General grammar,
with oral and written exercises. II. In Literature: Livy I and Tacitus,
Agricola; Catullus, Odes, and Tibullus, Elegies; Cicero, Brutus, and Quintilian,
Training of the Orator. III. In Life: The religion and mythology
of the Romans. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor FitzHugh and
Assistant Professor Lehman.

Latin B2: Latin A1 prerequisite.—I. In Language: General Grammar,
with oral and written exercises. II. In Literature: Livy XXI and
Tacitus, Germania; Horace, Odes and Epodes; Cicero, De Officiis, and Seneca,
Moral Essays. In Life: The art of the Romans. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor FitzHugh and Assistant Professor Lehman.

Latin C1: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—I. In Language: History
of the Latin language, with oral and written exercises. In Literature: Tacitus,
Annals, and Cicero, Letters; Plautus, Capitivi, and Seneca, Tragedies,
and Horace, Satires and Epistles; Cicero, De Oratore, and Orator, and Tacitus,
Dialogue on the Orators. In Life: The literary life of Romans. Professor
FitzHugh and Assistant Professor Lehman. Not given in 1926-27.

Latin C2: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—I. In Language: History
of the Latin language, with oral and written exercises. II. In Literature:
Tacitus, Histories, and Pliny, Letters; Terence, Andria, Vergil, Bucolics and
Georgics, and Juvenal, Satires; Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, and Cicero
De Natura Deorum. III. In Life: The philosophic life of the Romans.
Professor FitzHugh and Assistant Professor Lehman.

Latin D: Latin C1 and C2 prerequisite.—A two-year course for those
who desire to specialize in classical philology, especially those who choose
Latin as their major for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. If the candidate's
major be Latin, a respectable familiarity with Greek is required. If
the candidate's major be Romanic, the technical Greek requirement is waived
as far as practically possible, and he is guided into the history of the Roman
popular vernacular and into an acquaintance with the authors illustrating
the vulgar Latin in literature.

It is the aim of this course to prepare the candidate to investigate independently
the sources of our knowledge of the language, monuments (literary
and objective), and life of the Romans. The following is therefore an
outline of the course: I. In Language: Elements of comparative grammar;


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introduction to Latin historical grammar; systematic (general) grammar;
reading of epigraphic and literary monuments illustrating the history of the
Latin language. II. In the Literary and Objective Monuments of the
Romans: Reading of authors in groups systematically planned to illustrate
the literary life of the Romans; history and interpretation of texts, elements
of palæography, epigraphy, numismatics, and archæology. III. In Roman
Life: Constructive study of Roman culture-history, culminating in the Doctor's
Dissertation; the history of classical philology. Hours by appointment.
Professor FitzHugh and Assistant Professor Lehman.