University of Virginia Library


[As truth His record we receive]

This is the disciple which testifieth of these, &c. —xxi. 24.

As truth His record we receive,
And Christ the one great God believe
The uncreated Word,
The only true and living Way
Which leads us to eternal day,
The vision of our Lord.


The innocent atoning Lamb
Who from His Father's bosom came
We faithfully embrace;
Assured His blood for all He shed,
And rose victorious from the dead,
A sinful world to raise.
His Spirit in our hearts hath seal'd
The word on which our faith we build,
The word of truth and love;
And Christ the' eternal Life, we know
Was manifested here below
That we may reign above.
Fountain of life and light Divine
We comprehend Thy love's design
Thy confessors increase,
The truth we live to ratify,
And witnessing the truth, we die,
In everlasting peace.