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Mary is my only Joy.


Air—“Is fallain gun dith thainig thu.”

Mary is my only joy,
Mary is blithe and Mary is coy,
Mary's the gowd where there's nae alloy;
Though black—yet oh, she's bonnie;
Her breath is the birken bower o' spring,
Her lips the young rose opening,
And her hair is the hue of the raven's wing;
She's black, but oh, she's bonnie.
The star that gilds the evening sky,
Though bright its ray, may never vie
Wi' Mary's dark and liquid eye;
Though black, yet oh, she's bonnie.
In yon green wood there is a bower,
Where lies a bed of witching power;
Under that bed there blooms a flower,
That steals the heart unwary!
Oh, there is a charm, and there is a spell,
That, oh and alack! I know too well—
A pang that the tongue may hardly tell,
Though felt baith late and early.
The beauteous flower beneath the tree,
The spell of the wildest witcherye,
The gowd and the gear, an' a' to me,
Is my black but my bonnie Mary!