University of Virginia Library


The Efficacy of a Mother's Prayer

Pray, mother, for thy prayer may keep
Thy child in virtue's way;
A blessed harvest he shall reap,
For whom thou oft dost pray.
'Twill bless him in his early days,
And consecrate his home;
'Twill bless him mid the world's rough ways,
And wheresoe'er he roam.
Through manhood e'en to life's last close,
Thy prayers shall council, guide;
Keep pure his heart from deadly foes,
From hatred, lust, and pride.
Pray, mother, for thy prayer has power
To help, to save thy child;
To give him strength in evil hour,
By pleasure's voice beguiled.
And pray, O pray, when erring, frail,
Thy feeble child may fall;
Thy prayer, thy faith may still prevail,
And back to life recall!


For God the prayer of faith doth hear,
And answer from on high;
To those who seek Him, He is near,
Nor will their quest deny.
Poem No. 400; c. 9 July 1870