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[Jesus is first perceived and known]

Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved, &c. —xxi. 7.

Jesus is first perceived and known
By loving and quick-sighted John,
Who hastes the joyful news to tell,
And points Him out to Peter's zeal:
And Peter's fervent soul is stirr'd,
And springs with joy to grasp his Lord.
A faithful soul will never stay,
Though pain and death obstruct the way,
But venture all, his faith to prove,
And reach the Object of his love,
Rush through the flame, and swim the flood,
Or wade to Christ, through seas of blood.
O that they both in me might meet,
The zeal and love, the light and heat!
My Master dear I first would know,
To Him through fire and water go,
Danger and toil for Christ despise,
Or lose my life to gain the prize.