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[The Saviour doth in various ways]

After these things Jesus shewed Himself, &c. —xxi. 1.

The Saviour doth in various ways
Himself to His disciples show;
He meets us, when we seek His face,
Assembled in His courts below:


He oft prevents our care and thought,
And while in common works employ'd,
Comes to us unforeseen, unsought,
And shows our hearts the living God.


[A fisher of men Will others invite]

Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. —xxi. 3.

A fisher of men Will others invite,
Each sinew to strain By day and by night,
With close application, The servants of sin,
The heirs of salvation, For Jesus to win.
But without their Lord Their efforts are vain,
The net of the word Will nothing obtain;
In darkness they labour With sorrow of heart,
One soul or one neighbour They cannot convert.
Yet Jesus regards Their services pass'd,
And fully rewards His workmen at last,
Their labours He blesses With wonders of grace,
And mighty successes, And sights of His face.


[The fishers of men In love should agree]

We also go with thee. —xxi. 3.

The fishers of men In love should agree,
And concord maintain Appointed by Thee,
Through every nation Good news to proclaim,
And publish salvation By faith in Thy name.
United in heart Together we go,
The gospel impart Which all men may know:
And sinners receiving Our record as Thine
Obtain by believing The fulness Divine.


[Their successors we find]

They went forth, and entered into a ship. —xxi. 3.

Their successors we find
In them and them alone
Who cast the pride of life behind,
And tread its pleasures down;


From each superfluous need,
From all ambition free,
Who love a toilsome life to lead
In patient poverty.


[See a rough draught of human life!]

But when the morning was now come, Jesus, &c. —xxi. 4.

See a rough draught of human life!
All is one continued strife,
Fatigue and misery!
A night of perilous distress,
Without relief, without success,
We tempt the stormy sea.
But when the dreary hour is o'er,
Jesus on the happy shore
Shall satisfy our need;
Shall bless us with the sight of God,
And with imperishable food
Our raptured spirits feed.


[Even now we know 'tis He, 'tis He!]

Even now we know 'tis He, 'tis He!
Him with eyes of faith we see
As in the haven stand;
Jesus our all-victorious God
Hath waded through a sea of blood
To that celestial land.
His work is done, His sufferings pass'd,
Safe arrived, He rests at last
In full supreme delight:
But we alas, are still at sea,
Compell'd in toil and jeopardy
To weather out the night.
Yet Him we trust who went before,
Jesus waiting on the shore
Our spirits to receive:


We soon shall reach that quiet place,
And through the vision of His face
In endless raptures live.


[Jesus sometimes by slow degrees]

The disciples knew not that it was Jesus. —xxi. 4.

Jesus sometimes by slow degrees
Himself to His disciples shows,
Darkly at first the sinner sees,
Nor yet his distant Saviour knows,
Surrounded with imperfect light
And half discover'd to the sight.
He speaks in tender pitying grace,
Kindly into our wants inquires,
His love's omnipotence displays,
To satiate our enlarged desires;
Feeds with His wonder-working word,
And then we cry, It is the Lord!


[Jesus the poor with pity sees]

Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have, &c. —xxi. 5.

Jesus the poor with pity sees,
He looks into our cottages,
Inquires with condescension sweet
My children, have ye aught to eat?
He bids us our requests make known,
Our burdens cast on Him alone,
Prevents the hungry beggar's prayer,
And feeds us with a father's care.
He knows our depth of poverty,
But wills that we ourselves should see,
Should humbly at His feet confess
Our utter want of every grace:
Saviour, we nothing have to eat;
Thou living Bread, Thou heavenly Meat,


Indulge us with a fresh supply,
Or wanting Thee, we faint and die.


[Providence extends its care]

Cast the net on the right side...and ye shall find. —xxi. 6.

Providence extends its care
To things minutely small,
Things the most contingent are
By wisdom order'd all:
Happy they who know His mind,
Obedient to His leading grace,
God in every action find,
And own in all their ways.
By Thy word and Spirit led
And providential will
Sure to prosper in our deed,
Our net at last we fill:
Fruitless pains and labours cross'd
Must finally successful be;
Nothing, Lord, was ever lost
By faithfulness to Thee.


[This comfort is for you]

They cast therefore, and now they were not, &c. —xxi. 6.

This comfort is for you,
Ye gospel fishermen,
Who patiently your work pursue
But seem to work in vain:
Your net persist to cast,
As Jesus' ministers,
And know, one happy draught at last
Will pay your toil of years.


[When Jesus gives the word]

When Jesus gives the word,
And doth their labours bless
The prosperous servants of the Lord
Admire their own success:


Appointed and employ'd
By Christ, His hand they own,
And all their fruit ascribe to God,
And praise His name alone.


[When God hath touch'd our souls, and brought]

When God hath touch'd our souls, and brought
Into the apostolic net,
A work miraculous is wrought,
But all is not effected yet:
So long so deeply plunged in sin,
We still are drawn by His command
Till He who did the work begin
Completes, and brings us all to land.


[Jesus is first perceived and known]

Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved, &c. —xxi. 7.

Jesus is first perceived and known
By loving and quick-sighted John,
Who hastes the joyful news to tell,
And points Him out to Peter's zeal:
And Peter's fervent soul is stirr'd,
And springs with joy to grasp his Lord.
A faithful soul will never stay,
Though pain and death obstruct the way,
But venture all, his faith to prove,
And reach the Object of his love,
Rush through the flame, and swim the flood,
Or wade to Christ, through seas of blood.
O that they both in me might meet,
The zeal and love, the light and heat!
My Master dear I first would know,
To Him through fire and water go,
Danger and toil for Christ despise,
Or lose my life to gain the prize.



[Thy least disciple, I]

The other disciples came in a little ship, &c. —xxi. 8.

Thy least disciple, I
In this tempestuous sea
My business occupy
And urge my way to Thee,
My whole employ till life is o'er
To drag the net, and seek the shore;
My partners in the ship,
Master, vouchsafe to bless,
And help us through the deep
Into the port of peace;
Us, and whoe'er our pains have won
Receive, to feast around Thy throne.


[Miracles He multiplies!]

As soon then as they were come to land, they saw, &c. —xxi. 9.

Miracles He multiplies!
Ocean yields its hidden store,
Earth the plenteous meal supplies,
Both confess their Master's power!
Still He doth His followers feed,
Still He gives His labourers rest,
Fills our souls with living bread,
Brings us to His heavenly feast.


[Should we not on our labour live]

Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish, &c. —xxi. 10.

Should we not on our labour live,
Sufficient sustenance receive
Who minister the word?
Should we not seek the souls of men,
And whom our happy labours gain,
Present unto the Lord?
Master, they are not ours but Thine,
Caught in the net of love Divine,
The captives of Thy grace


A willing multitude receive;
And while their joyful hearts believe,
Their mouth shall speak Thy praise.


[We nothing catch with all our care]

Peter went up, and drew the net to land, &c. —xxi. 11.

We nothing catch with all our care,
Till He bestow the power;
And then we still unable are
To draw the net to shore:
The souls enclosed in Jesus' net
He helps us to bring on,
And by His influence to complete
The work His grace begun.
Sinners drawn forth out of the deep
Of sin and misery,
Lord, through Thy only name we keep,
Till we present to Thee;
We build them up in holiness,
In humble faith and love,
And bring them to that blissful place,
And land them safe above.


[When on that celestial land]

And for all there were so many, yet was not, &c. —xxi. 11.

When on that celestial land
Numbers without number stand,
And their differences are o'er
Satan can divide no more,
Neither strife nor sin remains,
Universal concord reigns.
All harmoniously combine,
One in unity Divine,
In the bond of perfectness,
Centre of eternal peace,


All compose the church above,
Church of pure consummate love.


[Christ to His servants condescends]

Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. —xxi. 12.

Christ to His servants condescends,
Invites and treats us as His friends,
Calls us to fellowship with Him
In grace and happiness supreme;
Admits us by His Father bless'd,
Partakers of the heavenly feast,
His glorious fulness to receive,
And in His blissful presence live.


[Conscious of Jesus near]

And none of the disciples durst ask Him, &c. —xxi. 12.

Conscious of Jesus near,
Struck dumb through humble fear,
While we feel His power and love
Taste unutterable peace,
Dare we in His presence move,
Need we ask Him who He is?
We know He is the Lord
By earth and heaven adored,
On His plenitude we feed,
Cannot doubt or disbelieve,
Take in Him the real bread,
Bread which none but God can give.


[Jesus, with heavenly bread]

Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and, &c. —xxi. 13.

Jesus, with heavenly bread
Thou dost Thy people feed,
Thoughtful of Thy meanest guest
Thou distributest the meat,
Master of the gospel feast
Thou bestow'st the power to eat.


All, all the blessings prove
Of Thy redeeming love
Thou who didst the Spirit buy
Dost to each the gift impart,
Dost the purchased grace apply,
Pardon write on every heart.


[Our crucified Head]

This is now the third time that Jesus, &c. —xxi. 14.

Our crucified Head
Is risen indeed!
His witnesses we
Are daily allow'd our Redeemer to see;
His presence He shows,
His blessing bestows,
And provides us our meat,
And admits us with Him at His table to sit.
By His Spirit made known
He visits His own,
Our Saviour appears,
And the needy relieves, and the comfortless cheers;
To purest delights
His disciples invites,
And His flesh is our food,
And He gives us to drink of His mystical blood.
The Saviour we love
We expect from above
In His body to come,
And receive His elect to our permanent home;
We shall see Him again
With His heavenly train,
And in triumph arise
His companions and friends to a feast in the skies.



[What shall I answer Thee?]

Lovest thou Me? —xxi. 15.

What shall I answer Thee?
I know Thy love to me,
Yet my impotence I mourn,
Kindest, loveliest as Thou art,
I can make Thee no return,
Till Thy grace renews my heart.


[He dares no more himself prefer]

Lovest thou Me more than these?...Yea, &c. —xxi. 15.

He dares no more himself prefer,
Or boast his own superior grace,
But humbly doth his love declare,
His question'd love with warmth express,
Urged by the thrice-repeated word,
The man who thrice denied his Lord.
But words will not suffice alone,
To' evince his love revived indeed:
The lambs whom Jesus calls His own,
The sheep he learns of Christ to feed,
And thus his strong affection proves
Who Jesus' flock sincerely loves.


[Peter had by experience found]

Lord, Thou knowest. —xxi. 15.

Peter had by experience found
That Thou omniscient art,
Whose piercing eye discerns the ground
Of each deceitful heart:
To Thee for what Thy grace hath done
He humbly now appeals,
And while he trusts Thyself alone
He all his weakness feels.


[No; my sin and shame I own]

He saith to him again the second time, &c. —xxi. 16.

No; my sin and shame I own,
Burden'd with an heart of stone,


Conscious of my misery,
Destitute of love to Thee.
But I can to Thee appeal,
Thee who lov'dst my soul so well,
Fain I would the grace obtain,
Love my loving Lord again.
Till the Crucified appears
Scattering all my griefs and fears,
Humbled in the dust I cry,
Give me love, or else I die.
Thou who freely didst resign
Thy own life to ransom mine,
Manifest the mystery,
Show Thy bleeding love for me.
Only Thy expiring pain
Can my stubbornness constrain:
But if Thou Thy death reveal
Then the riven rock shall feel;
Then I shall to Thee reply,
(Vanquish'd by Thy passion I,)
See the love Thy wounds impart,
Read it Saviour, in my heart.


[Thou know'st, that now I love Thee not]

Thou knowest that I love Thee. —xxi. 16.

Thou know'st, that now I love Thee not:
Thou know'st that Thee I long to love:
And Thou for me the power hast bought,
And wilt the cursed thing remove,
The sin with which I would not part,
Which keeps Thy love out of my heart.
Thy zeal to save my ransom'd soul
This thing impossible shall do,


And all my love of sin control,
Till love Divine my heart renew,
And force my joyful lips to own
I love Thee, Lord, and Thee alone!


[Jesus I long that grief to feel]

Peter was grieved because He said unto him, &c. —xxi. 17.

Jesus I long that grief to feel
Surpassing all the joys below,
That gracious grief unspeakable,
Which none but Thy true lovers know,
Grief inexpressible, to be
Suspected of not loving Thee.
Beloved by all Thou call'st Thine own,
Dear to the pardon'd soul Thou art;
But hast Thou made Thy goodness known
To me, or visited my heart?
O how shall I the secret find,
Or know the loving Saviour's mind?
Question'd if Thee indeed I love,
Saviour, how can I answer Thee?
The truth of my affection prove
Unless Thy Spirit speaks in me,
Reveals and sheds Thy love abroad,
And fills my simple heart with God?
O could I to the Lord appeal
For what the Lord in me hath wrought,
And quietly myself conceal,
By man unnoticed and forgot,
Thrice happy that my soul is known,
My love approved by God alone.


[Me Thou know'st my gracious God]

Lord, Thou knowest all things; Thou, &c. —xxi. 17.

Me Thou know'st my gracious God,
Better than myself I know:


Thou hast shed Thy love abroad,
If I taste that heaven below:
If the grace I truly prove,
Ignorant of its degree,
Whether more or less I love,
Lord I leave it all to Thee.
Me Thou know'st; let that suffice,
All my thoughts to Thee appear:
Happy, if Thy glorious eyes
See with smiles my love sincere!
Only let me labour on,
Like the Shepherd good endure
Till I lay the body down,
Witness thus, my love is pure!


[Help me, Lord, to feed and keep]

Feed My lambs....Feed My sheep. —xxi. 15–17.

Help me, Lord, to feed and keep
First the lambs, and then the sheep,
Lambs to make my tenderest care,
Lambs within my arms to bear:
Both my happy charge I make,
Both I cherish for Thy sake,
Thus in life, and death to prove,
Loved of Thee, that Thee I love.


[Every shepherd under Thee]

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou, &c. —xxi. 18.

Every shepherd under Thee
His love by suffering shows,
Honour, ease, and liberty,
And life itself foregoes;
Life he carries in his hand,
All for Thee accounts but loss,
Ready still at Thy command
To die upon Thy cross.



[Nature innocently may]

Another shall...carry thee whither thou, &c. —xxi. 18.

Nature innocently may
The bitter cup decline,
While in Jesus' words we pray
Thy will be done, not mine;
Jesus' patient Spirit breathe,
Daily bleed and suffer on,
Die the Saviour's latest death,
And win the martyr's crown.


[Less by action than by patience]

This spake He, signifying by what death, &c. —xxi. 19.

Less by action than by patience
Bring we glory to our God;
Suffering sore and strong temptations,
Sin resisting unto blood,
We the strength of grace discover,
Plainly in our weakness seen,
Magnify our heavenly Lover,
Him who gives such power to men.
Thus the truth of God we witness,
Thus the truth of faith we prove,
Gain, and evidence our meetness
For the' inheritance above;
Jesus' perfect mind expressing,
With our Father's will comply,
Bless'd with all the gospel blessing,
Followers of the Lamb, we die.


[The hoary saint for heaven mature]

The hoary saint for heaven mature
Strengthen'd by this prophetic word,
Those after-sufferings to endure,
In bonds and death pursues his Lord;
His Lord and God he glorifies,
And on a cross like Jesus dies.


O for an end like his, whose sin
I have so often made my own,
Ten thousand times unfaithful been
To Christ, as one I ne'er had known,
Ten thousand times by deeds denied,
And trampled on the Crucified.
O could I first repent and prove
The bitterness of Peter's woe;
By labours of intensest love
My loyalty to Jesus show,
And feed His lambs, and feed His sheep,
Yet still go on my way and weep!
Then Lord—but trembling I forbear
To emulate the martyr's crown,
Yet suffer me Thy cross to share,
And lay with life the burden down,
And while Thou dost my spirit receive,
To echo Thy last word, Forgive!


[So Lord, let it be]

And when He had spoken this, He saith, &c. —xxi. 19.

So Lord, let it be,
With my soul I agree
To take up my cross, and to imitate Thee;
My Pattern to trace,
And walk in Thy ways,
By the labour of love, and the patience of grace.
I have nothing to do,
But to prove my love true,
And in every estate, my Example pursue;
To continue employ'd
For the glory of God,
By expending my life, or by shedding my blood.


On Thyself I depend
My steps to attend,
And my goings uphold till I come to the end,
Till I cross the rough tide
With the help of my Guide,
And am lost upon earth, and am found at Thy side.


[Lord, I would Thy servant be]

Follow Me. —xxi. 19.

Lord, I would Thy servant be;
Give me power to follow Thee,
Power to die the death Divine,
Power to live for ever Thine.


[He follows Christ unbidden]

Peter...seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, &c. —xxi. 20.

He follows Christ unbidden,
With silent steps pursues,
And sees his way to Eden,
Who Christ his Pattern views;
He makes no declaration
Of loyalty or zeal,
But feels a strength of passion,
Which saints can only feel.
His love by action spoken
Attracts the Saviour's eye;
He follows Christ in token
Of readiness to die:
He gives no explanation
Of that he doth record,
And seeks no approbation
But from his dearest Lord.
O that with John's affection
I could my Master trace,
Unmoved by man's inspection,
By man's reproach or praise!


Or if my deed I mention
In true simplicity
Rejoice that my intention
Is only known to Thee!


[Oft Thy weak disciple, I]

Peter seeing him saith to Jesus,...and what, &c. —xxi. 21.

Oft Thy weak disciple, I
Turn my wandering thoughts from Thee,
Oft into the future pry,
Ask what shall to-morrow be?
What doth Thy decree intend?
What shall happen to my friend?
But suffice the season pass'd:
Now Thy kind rebuke I hear,
All my care and thought at last
After Thee with heart sincere
Humbly, patiently to go;
Nothing save Thy cross to know.
From the curious vain desire
Let me, Lord, this moment cease;
Only for myself inquire
How I may my Master please,
Make my Saviour's glories known,
Live and die to God alone.


[Secret things belong to God]

If I will that he tarry till I come, what, &c. —xxi. 22.

Secret things belong to God,
What He will with others do,
Be it in His season show'd;
Only Christ I now pursue,
Nothing seek or know beside
Christ for sinners crucified.


What is all the world to me,
Follower of the Lamb Divine!
Closely copying after Thee,
Lord, if I am wholly Thine,
Bless'd with love's simplicity,
What is all the world to me!


[Shall we on tradition vain]

Then went this saying abroad among the, &c. —xxi. 23.

Shall we on tradition vain
In confidence rely,
Dream with apostolic men
That John could never die?
Error from the truth may spring,
From Jesu's own misconstrued word,
Saints in proof of falsehood bring
The saying of their Lord.
But by Jesus' word alone
The error we gainsay,
Truth divinely genuine own,
And legends cast away;
Thus we understand Thy mind,
(Wayfaring men who need not err!)
Scripture, with Thy Spirit, find
Its own interpreter.


[As truth His record we receive]

This is the disciple which testifieth of these, &c. —xxi. 24.

As truth His record we receive,
And Christ the one great God believe
The uncreated Word,
The only true and living Way
Which leads us to eternal day,
The vision of our Lord.


The innocent atoning Lamb
Who from His Father's bosom came
We faithfully embrace;
Assured His blood for all He shed,
And rose victorious from the dead,
A sinful world to raise.
His Spirit in our hearts hath seal'd
The word on which our faith we build,
The word of truth and love;
And Christ the' eternal Life, we know
Was manifested here below
That we may reign above.
Fountain of life and light Divine
We comprehend Thy love's design
Thy confessors increase,
The truth we live to ratify,
And witnessing the truth, we die,
In everlasting peace.


[If all were left upon record]

And there are also many other things, &c. —xxi. 25.

If all were left upon record
Which Jesus spoke and did for man,
His every gracious work and word
Not all earth's volumes would contain;
Nor could our narrow hearts receive
His mercies inexhaustible,
Nor could the faithless world believe
That Jesus loved their souls so well.
Impossible for man to read
The whole of Jesus' history;
And more than this we cannot need
Who know that Thou O Christ, art He!


The Way, the Truth, the Life Thou art;
And when I live, of Thee possess'd,
Thy Spirit in my loving heart
Supplies and teaches all the rest.


[Amen! we thus our seal set to]

Amen. —xxi. 25.

Amen! we thus our seal set to,
Our faith's entire assent subjoin,
That all and every word is true,
Inspired, infallible, Divine:
That all doth perfectly suffice
To' obtain the end for which 'tis given,
Able through faith to make us wise,
And fit us for our thrones in heaven.