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[Faith comes by hearing of the word]

These are written, that ye might believe that, &c. —xx 31.

Faith comes by hearing of the word,
Comes to the heart by reading too,
While searching for our heavenly Lord,
Him in the sacred page we view,
Him whom the Holy Ghost reveals,
And pardon on our conscience seals.
Recorded in the' authentic book
While Jesu's life and death we read,


We for the promised Witness look
Who speaks Him risen from the dead:
Inspired, we then in Him rely
That Christ, that Son of the Most-High.
Jehovah's Son, declared with power,
We by His resurrection know,
Our Lord and God supreme adore,
Our Prophet, Priest, and King below,
Whose unction light and life imparts,
And grace and glory to our hearts.
Jesus, believing in Thy name,
We see the tree of life arise;
Thy grace removes the sword of flame,
And gives us back our paradise,
Feeds with immortalizing food,
And fills with the pure life of God.
Life, through the virtue of Thy love,
Spiritual life Divine, we gain;
With Thee our Head enthroned above
The closest fellowship maintain,
Till face to face our God we see,
Our full eternal Life in Thee.