University of Virginia Library


[Expecting at Jesus's grave]

Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping. —xx. 11.

Expecting at Jesus's grave
The signs of His favour restored,
His virtue to quicken and save,
I sigh for a sight of my Lord!
My Only-beloved is gone,
Has left me in trouble and pain,
His Spirit alas is withdrawn!
Ah when shall I find Him again?


Forgotten of God and forsook,
Dissolved in an ocean of tears,
I into His sepulchre look
And mourn till a Saviour appears:
No vision of angels I prize,
Unless He His Spirit impart,
Unless the Delight of my eyes
Discover Himself to my heart.
Even now my affliction He sees,
Unseen, yet invisibly nigh
My Saviour observes my distress,
And marks with a merciful eye:
This burden of sorrow and pain
A glimpse of His face shall remove;
He waits to be gracious again,
To give me a sight of His love.
I turn from the creature away
To Him whom alone I desire,
He hears my infirmity pray
While Him of Himself I require;
Where is He, the Lord of my heart,
Whom only I languish to see?
As sure as in heaven Thou art,
Thou art with a mourner for Thee.