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[While hanging on the shameful cross]


“Woman, behold thy son!” —John xix. 26.

While hanging on the shameful cross,
His scatter'd flock the Saviour sees,


Their wants His dying thoughts engross,
He marks and pities their distress:
He all their griefs and sorrows shares,
Nor even in death forgets His own,
But kindly for His orphans cares;
“Woman,” He saith, “behold thy son.”
To us the new command He gives,—
O may we all obedient prove,
And take the legacy He leaves,
His richest legacy of love.
Us each to other He commends,
And bids us in one Spirit join;
Unites, and makes us more than friends,
All kinsmen, in a bond Divine.
Then let us each to other give
The honour to a parent due,
And all with tenderest love receive,
A love which nature never knew.
Give, Jesus, give the' uniting grace,
The bond of charity Divine;
And let us all mankind embrace,
And love them with a love like Thine.