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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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§ 14-1. Application for service; connections outside city; charge for turning on

§ 14-1.1. Moratorium on new gas service.

§ 14-2. Rates — Generally.

§ 14-2.1. Same — Summer air conditioning.

§ 14-2.2. Same — Ornamental gas lights.

§ 14-3. Interruptible service.

§ 14-4. Repealed.

§ 14-5. Deposits by consumers.

§ 14-6. When bills payable.

§ 14-7. Cutting off service for nonpayment of bills, etc.

§ 14-8. Same — Charge for restoring service.

§ 14-9. Removing or interfering with meters or fixtures.

§ 14-10. Repair and replacement of meters.

§ 14-11. Complaints against gas bills; testing meters.


Page 202

§ 14-12. Preservation of gas and city property at fires, etc.

§ 14-13. Customer responsibility for stopping leaks.

§ 14-14. Standards for gas appliances; who may install, etc.

§ 14-15. Responsibility for installations.

§ 14-16. Repair of pipes and fixtures.

§ 14-17. Injury to gas apparatus; unlawful use of gas.

§ 14-18. Right of access to premises.

§ 14-19. Obstructing stopcocks or fixtures; interfering with pipes.

§ 14-20. Inspection, maintenance and use of pipe lines laid by property owners.

§ 14-21. Location of lines.

§ 14-22. Venting gas appliances.

§ 14-23. Requirements as to piping.

§ 14-24. Repealed.

Sec. 14-1. Application for service; connections outside city;
charge for turning on service.

Whenever any person occupying property along the line of any
gas main shall desire such property to be supplied with gas, he
shall make written application therefor to the director of finance
on a form prescribed by him and approved by the city manager.
Such application shall be accompanied by the deposit required in
section 14-5 and shall set forth the name of the applicant and the
location and description of the property to be served. No city gas
shall be furnished to any person outside of the city limits other
than those now being supplied, unless the same shall be
authorized by the council; except, that in outside areas where city
gas mains have been extended, with the approval of the council,
the city manager may grant a county connection without further
authorization from the council; provided, that such authorization
will not be granted until the applicant executes a contract with
the city agreeing to comply with all city gas ordinances.

There shall be a charge of two dollars for turning on gas
service. (Code 1959, § 14-1; 9-4-56; 11-2-64; 9-25-67; 12-31-73, § 1.)

Sec. 14-1.1. Moratorium on new gas service.[140]

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 14-1, no new gas
service to any property shall be initiated following the adoption of


Page 203
this section, nor shall any gas customer be permitted to convert
any facility presently using another fuel source to the use of
city supplied gas.

The foregoing paragraph shall not be deemed to prohibit the
replacement of any existing gas burning apparatus or to prohibit
the installation of gas service in a newly constructed building on
any property previously receiving gas service, provided such
replaced or newly installed gas equipment does not result in
increased gas consumption on such property. Neither shall such
foregoing paragraph be deemed to prohibit the initiation of gas
service to any building under construction as of the adoption of
this section for which building and plumbing permits
contemplating the use of gas equipment have already been issued,
or to any individual single family or duplex residence for which
such permits are issued prior to April 1, 1975.

Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to prohibit the
transfer of existing gas service from the name or account of the
customer presently receiving such service to the name or account
of a new customer occupying the same property, provided there
is no change in the gas consuming equipment installed upon such
property which would result in increased gas consumption.
(3-17-75, § 1.)


Editor's note. — The ordinance herein codified was passed on March 17,

Sec. 14-2. Rates — Generally.

The gas rates based on monthly meter readings shall be as

First 500 cu. ft.  $2.20 
Next 2500 cu. ft., per 1,000 cu. ft.  2.67 
Next 3000 cu. ft., per 1,000 cu. ft.  2.33 
Next 144,000 cu. ft., per 1,000 cu. ft.  1.76 
All over 150,000 cu. ft., per 1,000 cu. ft.  1.65 

Rates outside the city for gas sold to customers living outside
the limits of the city shall be greater by ten percent than the rates
specified above. (Code 1959, § 14-2; 6-21-71; 6-19-72; 8-5-74, § 1;
3-17-75, § 1.)


Page 204

Sec. 14-2.1. Same—Summer air conditioning.

Gas service under the following rate shall be available to
customers, provided such request is made in writing, who have
installed and use air conditioning equipment operated by natural
gas as the principal source of energy. The air conditioning rate
will be available for bills rendered during the months of June
through October of each year, and shall be as follows:

(a) Residential. For the first 4,000 cubic feet of gas used per
month, the charge shall be the sum as set forth under section
14-2, and for all gas used in excess of 4,000 cubic feet per month,
the rate shall be one dollar and five cents per 1,000 cubic feet.

(b) Other. All gas used for summer air conditioning shall be
separately metered and billed at the rate of one dollar and five
cents per 1,000 cubic feet. All gas used during billing
periods other than June through October of each year shall be at
the rates set forth in section 14-2, or section 14-3, if the customer
has an interruptible contract. The city manager may, when he
deems it impractical to install a separate meter for air
conditioning equipment, permit the use of one meter for all gas
delivered to the customer, in which instance the director of
finance shall estimate the amount of gas for uses other than air
conditioning and shall bill for such gas at the rates provided in
section 14-2 or section 14-3.

(c) The rate for gas used under this section outside the city
shall be greater by ten per cent than the rates specified in
subsections (a) and (b).

(d) The minimum monthly charge under this section shall be
two dollars and twenty cents. (6-15-64; 6-21-71; 6-19-72; 8-5-74, § 1;
3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-2.2. Same—Ornamental gas lights.

Where the city manager has determined that gas service is
available for such purposes, unmetered gas service under this
section may be furnished to consumers who install or have
installed ornamental gas lights.

(a) Monthly charge. The monthly charge for ornamental gas
lights shall be as follows:


Page 205

Three dollars and fifty-five cents per month for each light
with single mantle or orifice where the monthly use of gas will
not exceed 2 mcf per month per light.

Two dollars and sixty-five cents per month for each mantle
or orifice in each light using more than one mantle or orifice where
the monthly use of gas through each orifice will not exceed 1 mcf
per month.

The above rates shall be ten per cent higher for such use outside
of the city.

(b) Contracts with city. Each consumer desiring service under
this section shall execute a contract with the city prior to the
installation of such light or lights agreeing to the following

All installation costs on private property shall be at the expense
of the property owner and all work in connection with such
installation within the street right of way shall be at the expense
of the city. Lights installed in the street right of way shall belong
to the city and shall be maintained by the city. Lights installed on
private property shall belong to the property owner but shall be
serviced by the city. Except for gas mantles, all replacement parts
for lights installed on private property shall be at the expense of
the owner who shall be billed for such parts, if provided by the

Prior to the installation of a gas light a permit shall be secured
from the city authorizing such installation.

The contract may be cancelled by either party at any time.
(5-16-66; 6-21-71; 6-19-72; 8-5-74, § 1.)

Sec. 14-3. Interruptible service.

(a) Conditions. Interruptible gas service shall be supplied at
locations where facilities are available to supply the amount of
gas requested by the consumer, subject to the following

1. Gas delivered hereunder shall be separately metered and
shall not be used interchangeably with gas supplied under any
other schedule;


Page 206

2. The consumer has installed and has available for immediate
use equipment which will use some other fuel and which can be
put in operation within two hours after being notified by the city;

(b) Rate. The rate inside the city shall be one dollar and five
cents per thousand cubic feet and the rate outside the city shall be
ten per cent greater than the rate inside the city.

(c) A customer purchasing gas pursuant to this section agrees
to discontinue the service when requested by the city manager or
his representative, on two hours' notice, at any time whenever in
the sole judgment of the city manager, such gas is not available
for delivery hereunder. If the customer continues to use or
consume gas under this section after being notified by the city
manager or his representative, the customer shall be billed for all
gas so consumed at a rate of ten dollars per thousand cubic feet,
and the city shall, as soon as the violation comes to its attention,
cut off the service at the street until the period of interruption is

(d) Minimum monthly charge. The minimum monthly charge
under this rate shall be one hundred and five dollars; provided,
that when the supply of gas available shall be less than
ninety-four thousand five hundred cubic feet, in any one month,
due to the service having been interrupted as hereinbefore
described, the minimum monthly charge shall be waived and the
customer charged at the rate of one dollar and five cents per
thousand cubic feet for gas actually delivered during the billing

(e) Contract required. Before service is turned on under this
section, the customer shall agree in writing to abide by the terms
and conditions of this section. (Code 1959, § 14-3; 6-21-71; 6-19-72;
8-5-74, § 1; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-4. Repealed by Ordinance passed 3-17-75.

Sec. 14-5. Deposits by consumers.

Any person who shall hereafter begin the use of city gas shall,
before the connection is made and a meter placed, make a deposit
according to the following schedule:

For all gas consumers, the deposit shall be five dollars.


Page 206a

The deposit, or any part thereof, may, at the option of the city,
be applied on any obligation the consumer may owe the city in
connection with city gas. Until the account of such consumer with
the city shall be closed out, the deposit shall be kept unimpaired.
When the account is closed out, the balance, if any, shall be
returned to the consumer or his personal representative or
assigns. (Code 1959, § 14-5.)

Sec. 14-6. When bills payable.

All gas bills for the preceding month are due and payable on or
before the fifteenth day after a statement is rendered. (Code 1959,
§ 14-6.)

Sec. 14-7. Cutting off service for nonpayment of bills, etc.

Gas service furnished to any consumer shall be cut off
whenever any charge therefor remains unpaid beyond the last
day allowed for payment and when any consumer shall fail, after
ten days' notice, to make good any impairment of the deposit
provided for in section 14-5. (Code 1959, § 14-7.)

Sec. 14-8. Same — Charge for restoring service.

For turning gas on again after it has been cut off for
nonpayment, there shall be a charge of two dollars payable in
advance. (Code 1959, § 14-8; 12-31-73, § 1.)

Sec. 14-9. Removing or interfering with meters or fixtures.[141]

No person, unless authorized by the city gas superintendent,
shall at any time remove or undertake to repair or in any way
interfere with any gas meter or fixtures connected therewith.
(Code 1959, § 14-9; 3-17-75, § 1.)


For state law as to injuring, etc., gas meter, pipe, etc., see Code of Va., §


Page 206b-206.2

Sec. 14-10. Repair and replacement of meters.

All repairs or replacement of meters shall be made by the city.
(Code 1959, § 14-10.)

Sec. 14-11. Complaints against gas bills; testing meters.

A complaint against a gas bill shall not be taken as a proper
excuse for the complainant not paying the bill when due nor
exempt him from the imposition of penalties for failure to pay his
bill at the proper time.

On request of the consumer, the city shall cause the gas meter
to be tested and if the meter is found inaccurate, exceeding two
per cent, the meter shall be replaced at the expense of the city. If
the meter is found to be accurate within two per cent, the
consumer shall pay five dollars for this service. (Code 1959, §
14-11; 12-31-73, § 1.)

Sec. 14-12. Preservation of gas and city property at fires, etc.

It shall be the duty of the city gas superintendent, and such
other men employed about the works as he may from time to time
designate, to attend at places where, from fire or other cause,
there is danger of loss of gas by burning or waste, shut off the
gas, remove meters or do anything else proper for the safety of
persons or property. (Code 1959, § 14-12; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-13. Customer responsibility for stopping leaks.

Gas apparatus and premises of consumers shall be examined
free of charge, on receiving notice of any suspected leak. If
the gas superintendent or his representative determines that a
gas leak on customer premises is a safety hazard, he may
terminate service immediately or may require that the leak be
repaired within a reasonable length of time; and if such repairs
are not completed within the specified time period, he may terminate
service until such repairs are completed.

For purposes of this section leaks occurring downstream from
the meter shall be considered to be on customer premises. (Code
1959, § 14-13; 3-17-75, § 1.)


Page 207

Sec. 14-14. Standards for gas appliances; who may install,

No gas appliance shall be sold or installed in the city which does
not conform to approved standards for safety to persons and
property. Approval or listing of an appliance by the testing
laboratories of the American Gas Association or the American
Standards Association shall be prima facie evidence that the
appliance conforms to the requirements of this section and lack of
such approval or listing shall be presumptive evidence that the
appliance does not conform to approved standards for safety to
persons and property.

All work of installing, changing, altering or repairing gas
service connections, or pipes, connected to fixtures, equipment
and appliances shall be done only by a master plumber or a
master gas fitter or by a qualified mechanic employed by them
and working under their immediate supervision or by the city gas
department; and it shall be the duty of each master plumber or
master gas fitter to secure a permit from the plumbing inspector
prior to performing any of the above work. The permit fee for
each such installation shall be two dollars and fifty cents.
(Code 1959, § 14-14; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-15. Responsibility for installations.

All gas connections from gas mains downstream to and
including the meter shall be installed by the city at its own
expense. All service pipes from the meter to the fixtures shall be
installed at the expense of the owner or consumer, by or under the
supervision of a master plumber or master gas fitter. The gas
superintendent shall have the authority and responsibility to
determine the location of all lines downstream to and including
the meter. (Code 1959, § 14-15; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-16. Repair of pipes and fixtures.

All repairs to pipes and fixtures upstream from and including
the meter, shall be done by the city at its own expense. No person
shall under any circumstances be allowed to open a street or in any
way interfere with the gas pipes under the responsibility of the


Page 208
city without the permission of the gas superintendent. (Code
1959, § 14-16; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-17. Injury to gas apparatus; unlawful use of gas.[142]

No person shall unlawfully install, alter, injure or destroy, or,
having the right to prevent it, permit to be installed, altered,
injured or destroyed, any meter, pipe, line or other gas apparatus
belonging to the city, or shall unlawfully prevent a gas meter
from duly registering the quantity of gas supplied, or in any way
interfere with the meter's proper action or just registration, or
shall, without the consent of the city, unlawfully divert, use or
cause to be used any city gas. (Code 1959, § 14-17; 8-5-63.)


For state law as to unlawful use of gas, see Code of Va., § 18.1-158.

Sec. 14-18. Right of access to premises.

The authorized agents of the city shall have the right of free
access to the premises into which a service pipe is laid, whether
gas is being used or not, for the purpose of examining the whole
gas apparatus; replacing any natural gas pipeline to comply with
U. S. Department of Transportation Minimum Safety Standards,
or for the removal of the meter and service pipe. (Code 1959, §
14-18; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-19. Obstructing stopcocks or fixtures; interfering
with pipes.

No person shall obstruct any fixture connected with the gas
works in any manner, or remove or injure any pipe or open the
same so as to waste gas. (Code 1959, § 14-19; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-20. Inspection, maintenance and use of pipe lines laid
by property owners.

Before the city furnishes gas through pipe lines laid by
property owners, such private lines, including the size, location
and construction, shall be inspected and approved by the city


Page 209
manager or his authorized representative. Whenever the city
furnishes gas through any privately laid pipe lines, the city shall
maintain such lines so long as it furnishes gas through them. In
consideration of such maintenance, the city shall have the right to
connect with and furnish gas to such additional consumers
through such lines as the city may determine, without any charge
being made by the owners of the lines to the city or to the owners
of any property connected therewith. (Code 1959, § 14-20.)

Sec. 14-21. Location of lines.

No utility line shall be located within one foot of a gas line,
except that a sanitary sewer line shall not be located within five
feet of a gas line. (Code 1959, § 14-21; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-22. Venting gas appliances.

All gas water heaters, and all gas space heating appliances or
furnaces rated in excess of thirty thousand B. T. U.'s per hour,
must be vented to a flue or outside pipe installed for this purpose
and all gas space heating appliances installed in bedrooms or
rooms used regularly for sleeping purposes must be vented and
equipped with an automatic safety cutoff device approved by the
American Gas Association.

The plumbing inspector may require any other gas appliances
to be vented if he deems it necessary.

Appliances requiring vent pipes must be equipped with a draft
diverter hood.

This section shall not apply to heaters or gas appliances
installed prior to November 5, 1951. (Code 1959, § 14-22.)

Sec. 14-23. Requirements as to piping.

All natural gas pipe lines shall be installed to meet the U. S.
Department of Transportation Minimum Safety Standards for
transportation of natural gas and the requirements of the
Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. (7-2-62; 2-18-63;
10-9-72; 3-17-75, § 1.)

Sec. 14-24. Repealed by Ordinance passed 3-17-75.

No Page Number

For charter provisions in regard to gas works, see Char., § 14. As to sale of
public utilities, see Char., § 28.

As to general supervision of gas works by city manager, see § 2-75 of this Code.
As to director of finance's duties as to gas bills, see § 2-118. As to improvements in
subdivisions prior to installation of gas, see § 8-6. As to utility taxes, see §§ 11.1-5
to 11.1-12. As to reporting to fire department openings in streets for laying or
repairing gas pipes, see § 30-52.