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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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Sung by Mr. Conquest with unbounded applause. Written in 1845. Air—To its own Tune.

Some say de much renowned Jem Crow of Niggers am de posie,
But de gem of all de Nigger Jims is de more fam'd Jim along José.
Dey may twist about, and turn about, and jump dere fine Jem Crow,
But dere's no one will look at dem when dey once see de Jim along Joe!
Hey Jem along, Jim along a Josè—
Hey Jim along, Jim along a Joe!
[Dances grotesquely.
To de Yankee country smuggled while yet a pickaninny,
My massa many dollars gib to get me from de Guinea
So clebber as de Poet, I worth more dan lub or money,
And at dancing eberybody own I beat de Taglioni!
Hey Jim along, &c.


All de clebber fellows ob de day vid me wish to be cosey,
To learn what are de 'pinions ob de cute Jim along José—
For so well him on all subjects make de speech dat ebery one
Swear him must be de Prime Minister, or de Country is undone!
Hey Jim along, &c.
So him tink him just a word or two will say about de news,
For him famous Politician, quite as well as black de shoes—
When him talk 'bout Foreign Polly-tics, him make de people stare,
While de Home Affairs him settles when him gets on tick de pot ob beer!
Hey Jim along, &c.
Dat John Bull for de succession needn't nebber hab no fear—
De Queen she hab de littel pickaninny ebery year!
And gib de Royal Christening ob de littel son or daughter,
Where de Crowned Heads dey hab de wine, and de babbies hab de water!
Hey Jim along, &c.
De late French King he visit here, and it was one great pity,
Him Citizen King could not him dinner hab wid him King ob de City.
Dey make bery many speeches, and dey many fine tings utter,
But dough fine words be all bery fine, dey don't de parsnips butter!
Hey Jim along, &c.


A New Exchange they've built up, on de place where stood de oder—
Victoria oped de new one, as Queen Bess she did its moder!
Dey say Exchange no Robbery is, which him tinks bery strange,
Ven ve knows so many robberies dere is on de Exchange.
Hey Jim along, &c.
De China Question Pottinger he settle in a crack
De English fleet de green tea make look bery, bery black!
De Emperor twenty millions hab been much obliged to gib,
Nor call dem de Barbarian more long as eber him sall lib!
Hey Jim along, &c.
Dis grand ting for de Teetotallers, and make all ob dem grin
To tink dem get de Gunpowder, in spite of Tang and Lin
So pleas'd dey were, dere temperance, want ob tea would not destroy,
Immediately dem hear de news, dem all get drunk wid joy!
Hey Jim along, &c.
Because to France her Buonaparte from St. Helena dem giv,
Dat she might one dead hero hab, as she'd not one alive.
Prince Joinville he hab take French leave, as all his country do—
Him tink himself one deep Marine—but him bery soon look blue.
Hey Jim along, &c.


Yes, though in Paris dey may strut, and wish Crow to be picking,
Dere's our Nap-ier here, for dere Nap dere, and one dat's alive and kicking—
And should dem once within de Captain Warner's long range come,
Him five miles off would blow dem up wid him exploding bomb!
Hey Jim along, &c.
But him tinks him must conclude now, dough much more him hab to say—
Nebber mind, you come and see him de next time you pass dis vay,
Den you shall hear what you shall hear, for him now feel rather dozy,
And you'll cry ‘Damn'd cleber nigger dat is Master Jim along José.
Hey Jim along, &c.