University of Virginia Library



Altissimo omnipotente buon Signore, tue son le laudi, la gloria, lo honor e ogni benediction. A te solo se confanno e nullo homo è degno di nominarti.

Laudato sia mio Signore per tutte le creature, specialmente Messer lo Fratre Sole, il quale giorna illumina noi per lui. E alto e bello e radiante con grande splendore. Da Te Signore porta significazione.

Laudato sia mio Signore per Suora Luna e per le stelle le quali in cielo le hai formate chiare e belle.

Laudato sia mio Signore per fratre Vento e per la luce e nuvole e sereno e ogni tempo, per lo quale dai a tutte creature sustentamento.

Laudato sia mio Signore per Suora acqua la quale è molto utile e humile e pretiosa e casta.

Laudato sia mio Signore per Fratre Fuoco per lo quale tu allumini la notte, è bello e jocundo e robustissimo e forte.

Laudato sia mio Signore per nostra Madre Terra la quale ne sostenta, governa, e produce diversi frutte, e coloriti fiori e herbi.

Laudato sia mio Signore per quelli che perdonano per lo tuo amore e sosteneno infirmitade e tribulatione. Beati quelli che sostegneranno in pace che da Te Altissimo saranno incoronati.

I bless Thee, Father, that where'er I go
A brotherhood of blessed creatures goes
With me, and biddeth me God speed. For all
Thy mute and innocent creatures take my thanks;


To me they are child-brethren without speech
Or sin.
And first for him, the noblest of them all,
He who brings day and summer, disenchants
The ice-bound streams, and wakes the happy birds,
Pure choristers, to matins; at whose call
The young flowers, startled from their hiding-places,
Peep and laugh; who clothes the earth, and fills
The heavens with joy; and he is beautiful
And radiant with great splendour. Praise to Thee,
O Highest! for our royal Brother Sun;
For bears he not an impress, Lord, of Thee?
And praisëd be my Lord for Sister Moon.
All praise for her our holy white-veiled sister,
Dwelling on high in heavenly purity;
And for the radiant hosts that bear her company,
For they are bright and beautiful.
Praise for the Moon and Stars.
And praisëd be my Lord for Brother Wind,
For light and clouds, for weather fair or dark;
Through all Thou nourishest Thy creatures all.
Praise for our brother Wind; for though his voice
Is rough at times, and in his savage mood


He rends the earth, rousing the sea to fury,
Yet at Thy calm rebuke he layeth by
His lion nature, frisketh like a lamb
Beside the streams, and gently crisps with snow
The sapphire waves, and stirs the corn, and wakes
The languid flowers to life, and lays dead blossoms
Softly in their graves: for the strong winds,
The rough but kindly winds, we bless Thee, Lord,
For Sister Water praisëd be my Lord,
Our lowly sister, Water, mountain child
Whose happy feet make music on the hills;
For her who bounds so light from rock to rock,
Yet brings a blessing wheresoe'er she comes.
She spurns all fetters, laughs at all restraint,
Yet scorns no lowliest ministry of love,
Abiding peacefully in roadside wells,
And sparkling welcomes in the peasant's cup.
Nature's sweet almoner! all praise for her!
For she is useful, precious, meek, and chaste.
We bless Thee, Lord, for her.
And praise for Brother Fire!—fearful is he
When he goes forth exulting in his strength,
And all things quail and fly before his face!
Yet he will sit a patient minister


Of blessings on our hearth, and through the night
He cheers us. He is joyous, bold, robust,
And strong. Praise, Lord, for him!
And praisëd be my Lord for Mother Earth.
Our faithful mother Earth, who feedeth us
With such unwearied love, and strews our paths
With rainbow-tinted flowers and healing herbs;
Our gentle, generous, most beautiful,
And ever youthful mother.
And ever blessed be my Lord for those,
The blessed, who for Thy dear love forgive,
And for Thy love sustain weakness and woe.
Blessed are they who thus endure in peace;
For they by Thee, O Highest, shall be crowned.
Thus, blessed Christ, all praise to Thee for these
Thy creatures. They are all Thy ministers,
And to Thy reconciled speak nought but peace.
Children and servants are we in our household,
Dwelling before Thee in sweet harmony.
O bless us all! Father! we all bless Thee!