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Air—‘Guardian angels.’

Have you hail'd the glowing morning,
When the sun first gilds the plain?
Or the genial spring returning,
After winter's dreary rain?
Then conceive, to me how dear,
When my Anna—faithful, fair,
After years of lonely pain,
Bless'd my fond eyes—my arms again.
Every charm more finely heighten'd,
Fix'd my raptured, wondering eyes!
Every grace divinely brighten'd,
Held my soul in sweet surprise;
O! I could have gazed my last,
On her bosom heaving fast—
Met her eyes, benignly bright,
With ever-growing new delight.
Who'd not bear a separation,
Thus again to fondly meet,
And to find no alteration,
Save the heart's more ardent beat?
Thus, the same soft hand to grasp,
Thus, the same fair form to clasp,
Thus, the same warm lips to kiss—
O, say, can heaven give more than this?