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Poems by Arthur J. Munby

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Be not so fierce and ardent in thy love,
Nor strain and batter at the pitiless doors
That shut thee from thy future; nor remove
Thy restless tent from the low quiet shores
Of resolute endurance: they have spells
To work fair wonders in their own good time.
What if thou hear not always her sweet bells,
Nor catch the silver trueness of their chime?
Know that she loves thee also in her sleep:
She lies in her calm breathing, and the while
Strong thoughts of thee full often from the deep
Of her meek heart blush out into a smile.
Therefore have patience, like to her: go dip
Thy soul in healthful darkness for a space:
Soon comes the morn—and thou with thirsty lip
Shalt drain the early sweetness of her face.