University of Virginia Library

VII. In the Post-Communion.

And now the fount of Love o'erflows,
And the worn spirit finds repose;
Lord, at Thy feet in thrilling fear
Lifts up her eye, and wipes the tear,
And with Thy Prayer again draws near.
“Our Father, knit in Thy dear Son,
In celestial union,


Thy Name we hallow, and adore,
Praising Thee for evermore.
And hasten till Thy kingdom come,
Which is our eternal home.
May we till that blest palm be won,
On the path of duty run.
With Angels and Archangels high,
And the heav'nly company,
Singing of Thine immortal love,
As thine Angels sing above.
O daily from th'angelic hall,
This life-giving food let fall,
And knit us in the holy tie
Of ne'er-failing charity.
That from Thine own parental sway,
Nought may lead our feet astray,
Ever attun'd in heart to sing
Thee our everlasting King,
Whose Glory is our home on high,
And His name best Panoply.”
Thus when Thy love hath made us strong,
That Prayer becomes the pilgrim's song.