University of Virginia Library



You honour Love and Duty
With syllables of gold
That suit a page of azure
Celestially unrolled
Above the curving beauty
Of Applehaven wold,
My feather-breasted poet
Declaiming in the cold!
This lyric, almost raging
With emphasis, and fed
By what is darkly ancient,
So pulses overhead
That I, whose never-ageing
Delight in verse is wed
To minstrelsy, am feeling
At heart discomfited.
How stalwart is the fashion
In which your verses flow
To angel-folk above you,
To country-folk below!


You shake with downright passion
Upon a twig; for so
Your honest kind was counselled
Unnumbered years ago.
Enraptured by the story
You publish in the air,
I stand beside a bean-rick
And search the poplar where,
Amid a steepled glory
Of leaves and branches, fair
With visitors of sunlight,
You lay your passion bare.
To think that we, now banded
So closely that we fear
To tell, except in whispers,
The truth you make us hear,
Were long ago as candid,
As splendidly sincere,
When glimpsing in the woodland
The bosom of our Dear!