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Alexander Pope: Minor poems

Edited by Norman Ault: Completed by John Butt

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[A pox of all Senders]

A pox of all Senders
For any Pretenders
Who tell us these troublesome stories,
In their dull hum-drum key
Of Arma Virumque
Hannoniae qui primus ab oris.
A fig too for H---r
Who prates like his Grand mere
And all his old Friends would rebuke
In spite of the Carle
Give us but our Earle,
And the Devil may take their Duke.
Then come and take part in
The Memoirs of Martin,
Lay by your White Staff and gray Habit,
For trust us, friend Mortimer
Should you live years forty more
Haec olim meminisse juvabit.
by order of ye Club A. Pope J. Gay J. Swift J. Arbuthnot T. Parnel