University of Virginia Library


Thou, to whose sacred page the parting guest
Confides the workings of his grateful breast,
With awful pleasure o'er thy form I bend,
My gift to bring—as brother, guest, and friend.
Farewell, ye shades! (ah! not to fame unknown)
Where Elegance has rear'd her attic throne:
Whose beauties, to the pure of taste address'd,
In Nature's charms munificently dress'd;
Whose soft amenity, with grace combin'd,
Display the emblem of the master's mind:


Farewell!—Say, shall I not regret the bow'r
Where social intercourse endear'd the hour;
Where she, whose footsteps bless this sylvan seat,
The pride and mistress of this calm retreat,
Her soul illum'd with Wisdom's piercing beam,
Sheds round her circle the enlight'ning gleam!