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The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, By William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from Numerous Manuscripts, with Prefaces, Notes and a Glossary, By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat

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Ak þer beoþ seuen sustren þat seruen treuþe euere,
And ben porters at posternes þat to þe place longen.
Þat on hette Abstinence And Humilitie a-noþer,
Charite And Chastite beoþ tweyne ful Choyse Maidenes,


Pacience and Pees Muche peple helpen,
Largesse þe ladi ledeþ in ful monye.
Bote hose is sib to þis sustren so me god helpe!
Is wonderliche wel-comen and feire vnderfonge.
And bote ȝe ben sibbe to summe of þeos seuene,
Hit is ful hard, bi myn hed! eny of ow alle
To gete in-goynge at þat ȝat bote grace beo þe more.”
“Bi Crist,” quaþ a Cutte-pors “I haue no kun þere!”
“No,” quaþ an Apeward “for nout þat I knowe!”
“I-wis,” quaþ a waferer “wust I þis for soþe,
Schulde I neuere forþere a fote for no freres prechinge.”
“Ȝus,” quaþ pers þe plouȝ-mon and prechede hire to goode,
“Merci is a Mayden þer and haþ miht ouer hem alle;
Heo is sib to alle synful men an hire sone alse;
And þorw þe help of hem two (hope þou non oþer),
Þou maiȝt gete grace þer so þat þou [go] bi-tyme.”