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Chorus altered by the translatour.
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Chorus altered by the translatour.

O Ioue that leadst the lampes of fire, and deckst vvith flaming starres the skye,
VVhy is it euer thy desyre to care their course so orderly?
That novve the frost the leaues hath vvorne & novv the sprīg doth close the tree.
Novv fiery Leo rypes the corne, and stil the soyle should chaunged be?
But vvhy art thou that all dost guide, betvvene vvhose hands the poale doth svvay,
And at vvhose vvil the Orbs do slyde, careles of mans estate alvvay?
Regarding not the goodmans case, nor caryng hovv to hurt the yll.
Chaunce beareth rule in euery place and turneth mans estate at vvill.
She geues the vvronge the vpper hand the better part she doth oppresse,
She makes the highest lovv to stand, her Kingdome all is orderlesse.
O parfite profe of her frailty, the princely tovvres of Troybeat dovvne,
The flovvre of Asia here ye see vvith turne of hand quight ouerthrovvne.
The ruthful ende of Hectors son, vvhō to his death the Greekes haue led,
His fatall hovvre is come and gone, and by this tyme the Child is ded:
Yet still (alas) more cares encrease, O Troyans doleful destenie,
Fast doth approach the maydes decease, and novv Polixena shall die.