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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken

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[MS. Bodley Laud Misc. 683, leaves 15, back, to 17.]

Here is a tretys of Crystys passyoun.


Erly on morwe, and toward nyght also,
First and last, looke on this ffygure;
Was ever wight suffred so gret woo
For manhis sake suych passioun did endure?
My bloody woundis, set here in picture,
Hath hem in mynde knelyng on your kne,
A goostly merour to euery Cryature,
Callid of my passioun the dolerous pyte.


Set this lyknesse in your remembraunce,
Enprenteth it in your Inward sight;
Myn hertys wounde, percyd with a launce,
Thorugh-out my side discendyng doun ful riht,
Yow to dyffende in your treble ffyght,
Ageyn the fend, þe flessh, þe world, this thre,
With my passioun shal yeve yow strengthe & myht
Whan ye beholde this dolerous pyte.



Make me your pavis, passith not your boundis,
Ageyn al wordly Trybulacioun,
In ech temptacioun, thynk on my blody woundis,
Your cheeff saffcondyt, and best proteccyoun,
Your coote armure, brest plate & habirioun,
Yow to dyffende in al adversyte,
And I schal be your Trusty champioun
Whan ye beholde this dolerous pite.


Beth not rekles whan ye forby passe,
Of myn Image devoutly taketh heede,
Nat for my-silf, but for your trespace
In Bosra steyned of purpil al my [weede],
Of my suffraunce youres is the meede,
Crownyd with thornys thoruh Iewis cruelte,
Blood meynt with water for yow I did bleede,
Lyk as witnesseth this dolorous pite.


The vyne of Soreth railed in lengthe & brede,
The tendre clustris rent doun in ther rage,
The ripe grapis ther licour did out shede,
With bloody dropis bespreynt was my visage,—
Man to socoure, I suffred gret damage,
I was maad thral for manhis lyberte,
I bar the bront allone of this ventage,
Lyk as witnesseth this dolorous pite.


My deth of deth hadde þe victorye,
Fauht with Sathan a myhty strong batayl,
Grave this trivmphe depe in your memorie,
Lik þe pellican perced myn Entrayl,
Myn herte blood maad abrood to rayl,
Best restoratif geyn old Inyquyte,
My platys seuered, to-torn myn aventail,
Lik as witnesseth this dolorous pite.

Verba compilatoris.

From yow avoideth slouthe & necclygence,
With contrit herte seith, meekly knelyng doun,


O Pater-noster and Auees in sentence,
A crede folwyng, seyd with devossioun,
xxvi thousand yeeris of pardoun,
Over xxx dayes, ye may the lettre see,
In remembraunce of Crystys passioun
Knelyng be-fore this dolorous pite.