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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Therfore also his Heart, quit away-is turned
From God/to the High Wisdom, of Mans owne Industery.
For so long as the Man, bydeth deafe heerin vtterly/
And wil not stande submitted ; in God; obediently:
Neither yet forsaketh, his owne Comodity:
Nor also the Knowledg, with all her Stock and Broode/
So wil not God likewyse, giue ; into him; his Foode.
For God ; in true Knowledg; is only wyse, no dout[illeg.]
No man, can Gods Wisdom, declare or measure-out:
For God doth keepe his Wisdom,

Math. 11. 13.

secret ; as is fitt;

From all the Careful-study, of Mans Ingenious-witt.
For when ye Man seeketh after Gods Misteryes that are hidden,
Through the meane of Knowledg, which is to him forbidden/
Wherby to becom like

Gen. 3.

God, in Understanding excelent/

So then likewyse ; being proude in his Heart, and impudent;
He ; most arrogantly; into Gods Work doth thrust.
Also then iniuryously, suppresteth Playne-and-iust:
And so ; in Gods Wisdom; a very

1. Cor. 1.[illeg.].

Foole is founde.