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O slumber, my darling; the white star is beaming
From pale yellow dusk in the west.
O slumber, my darling; with beautiful dreaming
Its gleaming shall dower thy rest.
O slumber, my darling; the white star is glowing
Leagues out on the shadowy sea,
And if the wild winds there be drearily blowing
The knowing is not unto me.
O slumber, my darling; the white star in pillows
Of purple-hued cloud sinks to sleep!
This gale that is tossing the poor faded willows,
Wakes billows afar on the deep!
O slumber, my darling; the white star is dying,
The gold Autumn gloaming is dim;
My thoughts to thy mariner-father are flying,
And, sighing, I fear me for him.
O slumber, my darling; the white star is beaming
No longer, and vague is the light.
Perhaps where the grave of thy father is gleaming,
Are screaming the sea-gulls to-night.