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The Past, Present, and Future

In Prose and Poetry.

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Oh! Mrs. A---, have you not heard
The news around the town?
'Tis said that Mr. B--- was seen
To look at Mrs. Brown!
Then Mr. C---, I really heard,—
Don't tell it for your life,—
Has just determin'd, only think,
To make Miss D--- his wife!


And Mr. E--- is going to—
I promis'd not to tell—
Be married to Miss F---, down street;
'Tis thought that she'll do well.
The news is now, that young Miss G---
Is dead in love with H---;
But now, they say, he does not care,
He's courting Sally Baich.
I--- call'd on me the other day,
And ask'd me if I could
Speak a good word for him to J---;
But do you think I would?
Why, there is K---, that prims so much,
And dresses very gay;
They tell me she's engag'd to L---,
But I doubt all they say!


What do you think of M---'s new coat?
N--- says it don't look well.
Dear me! what makes O--- flirt so much?
That P---'s a perfect swell!
Q--- call'd on me the other day,
And ask'd me what I thought
Of the new dress that R--- had on,
The other day she bought.
The bonnet that Miss S--- had on,
They said, came o'er the sea;
But young Miss T--- said U--- told her,
'Twas bought up town of V---.
W--- thinks so much of X---,
Y--- says Z---'s lips are down!
And now I've told you all the news
There is around the town.