University of Virginia Library



Christian Science Organization
meetings: 7:30 p.m. 1961 Lewis
Mt. Rd., just up from Memorial
Gym. all are invited.

Student Bike, TRaffle, & Parking
Comm. 4:00 Newcomb 4B. All Are

U.Va Sailing– Beginners
Intermediate lessons, Newcomb
–South Meeting Room 7:15 p.m.

University Republican Club Board
meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday room 4A
Newcomb Hall. Everybody


Independent Slow Fitch Softball
entry deadline – March 23rd. Sign
up – I.M. Department Memorial
Gym. *(t-w)

Male volunteers needed for
Community Attention Home
recreation program, sp. crafts.
Kathy Gradl; 977-7051.

Important S.A.H. mtg. Symposium
and tour plans 5 p.m. Wed. March
14. Rm 158 Campbell Hall.

Responsible volunteer drivers and
aides needed to help Tues. or
Fridays in volunteer-run, pre-school
program. call 977-7051. *(m-t)

Students planning to complete
student teaching during 1973-74
session must make application by
March 31st. Forms room 117 or
118, new Education Building.

A.C.L.U. supports civil liberties via
legislation, litigation, and
education. Help us Call 977-3825,
977-6906, or 295-9643 *(f)