University of Virginia Library


Misplaced - watch & brn. wallet Sat.
night in Mem. Gym. Reward. No
questions asked. Jeff 977-0619.

Found: Cross on chain necklace
near Gilmer Hall, Please identify in
Director's Office, Newcomb Hall,
tele. 924-3329. Sum of money
found near Alderman Library. *(F)

Found: transistor radio, inquire at
Music Dept. 113 Old Cabell. *(F)

Lost Thursday night in Tuttle
Lounge one Harris Tweed sports
coat. $5 reward. Call Ron
977-4976. *(3641)

Lost: 10 pairs of men's underwear.
If found, please return to Harry, 1st
floor Page. Hurry! *(F)